Many groups agree on the rejection of a planned LNG terminal off Rügen. Before a protest festival planned for the weekend, the organizers are against the right.

Binz (dpa / mv) – Critics of the terminal for liquefied natural gas planned for Rügen are fighting back against the appropriation of their concerns by right-wing actors. The organizers of a protest festival planned for the weekend on the island said they wanted to “position themselves clearly against right-wing populists, Reichsbürger and other similar groups who are currently trying to seize the issue”.

Concerts, workshops and readings are planned at various locations in Binz from Friday to Sunday. The “Resonance Festival” is organized or supported by local authorities and communities on the island, the Rügen Tourism Association, the German Nature Conservation Union (Nabu), Fridays for Future, Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, DEHOGA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and other groups. The municipality of Binz expects thousands of visitors. Around 2,500 people on the island had already demonstrated against the plans at the end of February.

According to previous plans, two platforms are to be built in the Baltic Sea off Sellin in the southeast of Rügen, on which floating liquefied natural gas terminals are to be moored. After the officially opened terminal in Lubmin in mid-January, it would be the second in Western Pomerania. The energy company RWE is to implement the project in front of Rügen on behalf of the federal government.