Rostock/Greifswald (dpa/mv) – Studying is becoming more expensive: The semester fees at universities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are rising sharply due to the energy crisis. At the beginning of the 2023 summer semester, the Rostock-Wismar student union will increase the fee that every student at the University of Rostock, the Rostock University of Music and Theater and the University of Wismar must pay by 24 percent from 75 to 93 euros. The supervisory board of the Studierendenwerk approved the increase on Monday evening in an unscheduled meeting, according to a statement on Tuesday.

At the University of Greifswald and the Universities of Applied Sciences in Stralsund and Neubrandenburg, for which the Studierendenwerk Greifswald is responsible, the semester fee will also increase from 75 to 83 euros for the 2023 summer semester. This emerges from a publication on the website of the Studierendenwerk.

From Rostock it was said that in 2023 additional energy costs in the canteens were expected to be around 900,000 euros. In addition, there would be increased prices for the purchase of goods and further cost increases on the market. According to the information, without the increase in the semester fee, the canteen food would have become too expensive. In addition, due to the energy price increases, the dormitories in Rostock and Wismar will be 25 euros more expensive as of January 1, 2023.

It was said from Greifswald that if the unfavorable development continued, drastic savings measures were imminent. A reduction of the offer or the shortening of the opening times up to the closure of university catering facilities were given as examples.