Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The population of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania continued to grow in the third quarter. At the end of September, 1,629,990 people lived in the Northeast – 2,534 more than at the end of June. This is the result of preliminary data published by the State Statistical Office on Wednesday.

Within twelve months – since the end of September 2021 – the MV population has increased by 17,524 women, men and children. The reason for the population growth is influx, above all the wave of refugees from the Ukraine. According to the Interior Ministry, there are currently almost 22,000 Ukrainian war refugees in the north-east.

Without the influx, the number of inhabitants in MV would have fallen. According to the agency, 18,149 people died and 8,125 were born in the first nine months of this year. This means that the so-called death surplus is 10,024 people. According to the statisticians, 55,885 people have moved to MV since the beginning of the year and 26,653 have left the northeast. This results in a migration gain of 29,232 people. The population has increased since the beginning of the year by 18,830 to 1,629,990.

Several thousand Ukrainians could stay in MV permanently. According to a current, representative survey by the Institute for Applied Social Sciences (Infas), more than one in three war refugees from the Eastern European country wants to stay in Germany either forever or at least for several years. Of the more than 11,000 Ukrainians who took part, 26 percent said they wanted to live in Germany forever. Eleven percent of war refugees want to stay for several years.