Rostock (dpa/mv) – Post employees in parts of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania stopped work again on Monday in a collective bargaining dispute with Deutsche Post. Around 1.3 million postal items in the north remained unprocessed that day, the Verdi union said. A rally in Rostock was also planned for the morning. “So far, employers have not been willing to compensate for the loss in real wages and inflation,” said Lars-Uwe Rieck, the head of the postal services department in the north, before the rally. This ignorant attitude inevitably led to protests from postal workers.

In other federal states, too, the postal workers’ union has called for warning strikes. Work stoppages are planned in selected companies in the letter and parcel centers as well as in delivery on both Monday and Tuesday.

The union is demanding 15 percent more money for the approximately 160,000 employees with a contract term of one year. The Post board rejects the demand as unrealistic. The third round of negotiations will continue on February 8th and 9th in Düsseldorf. Swiss Post has announced that it will then submit an offer.

There had already been warning strikes on several days in January. Most recently, 20 percent of parcels and 9 percent of letters were not delivered due to outstanding deliveries on one day.