Mexico is one of the countries in Latin America that has been more clearly expressed about the future of Catalonia and the strange Declaration of Independence announced this Tuesday in Barcelona.
“If Catalonia opts to become independent from Spain, the Government of Mexico will not recognize it as a sovereign state,” said Tuesday Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE) Luis Videgaray. “I want to be very clear, if despite the process of political dialogue [in Spain] the Catalan government will unilaterally declare the independence of Catalonia, the Government of Mexico, based on international law, will not recognize the existence of a state Catalan, “he has insisted from the Senate.”
In case there is any doubt of the position of Mexico, from the account of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs has published a tweet: “If despite the political dialogue, the Catalan Government declares independence, Mexico will not recognize Catalonia as a state “Independent”, he has written nothing more to finish speaking the regional president Carles Puigdemont in the Parlament of Catalonia.

If, despite political dialogue, the Catalan Government declares independence, Mexico will not recognize Catalonia as an independent state — SRE México (@SRE_MX) October 10, 2017 in responding in the Senate to Green Party questions, Videgaray has also condemned the violence of the last few days and has pointed out that, beyond the illegality of the independence process, it is “very disturbing and regrettable” police violence to prevent the vote on 1 October.
“Violence should never be and so we express it the next day in a communiqué from the Chancellery, the road to settling disputes, therefore, we make vows to be through a political agreement between the Government of the Generalitat Catalana and the Gobie” Rno of Spain, based in Madrid, to reach a solution to this deep and painful crisis that today has jeopardized not only territorial integrity, but the future of a fundamental nation for Mexico and the world, which is Spain ” , he pointed out.
Chancellor Videgaray, one of the men closest to President Enrique Peña Nieto, has taken advantage of his intervention to highlight also the historical, cultural and commercial ties that unite both countries. “Spain is an endearing country for Mexico.” It brings us together the history and opportunities in the present and in the future. Mexico is a fundamental ally and a friend from Spain, said Videgaray.