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Over 100 Danish children are the last few weeks been sick, after they, according to their parents have consumed infant formula made a new recipe from Nestlé.

One of them is 36-year-old Mille Odéns the son of the Ebb in three months, who suddenly got it bad for a couple of weeks ago.

My son got sudden diarrhea, mavekneb and gylpede. He lost appetite and was very restless and would wake up in the night and suddenly scream in his sleep, tells the Mille Odén for Extra Magazine.

Mille Odén had well noticed that the packaging was changed when she bought the latest package with infant formula. In the store she had, therefore, asked whether the content was also changed. But it was not, the insured is both a shop assistant in the store and her healthcare provider.

– But I could see that the Ebb got it bad, when we took the new pack in use, so after a week of pain and a disconsolate boy decided my gf and I to stop and see how the Ebb would get it if we went back to the old packages. And after a day’s time he had it much better, she says.

to Ekstra Bladet informs Nestlé, in accordance with the new EU rules have recently changed the recipe for baby formula but that it has not been communicated to either the consumers or professionals.

Fødevarekoncernen indicate that you are familiar with babies who have gone over to the new NAN Sensilac 1 or NAN Pro, who have experienced digestive problems in a short transition period.

Community – 29. nov. 2019 – at. 06:31 Over 100 Danish infants sick: Suspect changed the recipe

specifically, Nestlé changed the recipe at NAN Sensilac and NAN Pro 1. The changes in the new products is that they contain increased amounts of DHA/Omega-3, vitamin D, folic acid, copper and selenium, informs the group.

But even if the changes are small, they can be great for small babies. It writes the Nestlé even in a message to a worried mother. In the message, which Ekstra Bladet has seen, calls on Nestlé among other things, to make a ’gentle transition from the old to the new.’

But the call is never reached further than a single mother.

Mille Odén is far from the only one, if the child is from one day to another has been sick.

A woman who does not want his name forward, says to Ekstra Bladet that she for several days was hospitalized in Holbæk Hospital’ children’s ward with her child, who suddenly got problems with the stool. Here were taken all sorts of tests, but none showed anything unusual.

another mother tells her son of eight weeks have been suffering with loose stools, mavekneb and rash. A third mother’s little son made only a bowel movement every third day for several weeks, until it suddenly became quite dark green, while a fourth child has thin, yellow stools up to 12 times a day. And such stories are at.

Mille Odén call it ’terrible’ to experience her child cry and scream without being able to do something.

– It was absolutely terrible. The worst thing is that I have given my child something that might have made him sick. It is the most horrible feeling as parents. I do not understand all that you can get away with a change in its product without informing about it, she says.

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According to long-standing healthcare provider Else Guldager, is it normal that infant formula can give stomach ache in young children in the beginning.

– But as many pain should children not be able to get by consuming it. This may indicate that there has been a problem with modermælkserstatningen, but I can not conclude, she says.

the Fda will provide to Ekstra Bladet, that there will be new EU regulation for infant formula to February, and that it is them, Nestlé has taken to himself.

– they have chosen to do ahead of time, and it is the company’s responsibility, says the head of section of Chemistry and Food quality in the Danish veterinary and food administration Anette Flensburg to Ekstra Bladet.

Nestlé writes in an email to Ekstra Bladet, that the safety and quality of their products is of the ’highest priority’.

’We are sorry that some babies have had difficulty in the transition to the new Sensilac 1 and had digestive problems’.

’Manufacturers and retailers are only allowed to inform consumers about the ernæringsindholdet and the use of products for infant formula in a very limited way. Therefore, we have not communicated about the changes on the packaging. We are sorry for the families concerned that our communication has not been sufficient in all cases, but it is done with the intention to follow the law’, it says in the email.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Danish Regions and Local government Denmark in order to hear about the hospitals, departments will, doctors and health visitors have been informed about the change in The recipe, and the implications that it can provide, but it has not been possible to get a comment from here.