Unauthorized and with minimal internal support, but still within the Government.
Pedro Sánchez, president of the Executive formed by the PSOE and united we can, do not foresee the dismissal of Alberto Garzón or the cessation of him after the political earthquake generated by the controversial statements in the British press on the quality of the meat exporting Spain

Moncloa, despite the pressure, is resigned to keep him.
Of course, they insist, Garzón expressed “personal” and not as a government representative before a foreign environment.
That made the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, and subsequently Isabel Rodríguez, who as Minister Spokesman demarcated the executive of these statements and unauthetorized the message of the united left leader until he degraded it at a symbolic level to a non-official voice of the government.

The socialist suspicion, inside and outside the executive, is palpable.
“It’s not the first time he does it,” says joy about Garzón’s recidivism.
On July 8, the President already reduced and zanjó another controversy generated by the purple minister on the minimization of meat consumption by ensuring that for him “a chuletón to the point is unbeatable”.

Then there were two days for Sánchez to run by surprise the internal remodeling of his government and the name of Alberto Garzón was one of the first to be indicated as possible outputs from the Executive.
Finally, the restructuring affected only the socialist wing of the Council of Ministers and the United States, we can maintain all its representatives.

Yesterday, in this sense, once again came over the idea that Garzón’s continuity in the government does not depend on the socialist sector.
Should he resign him?
“That will have to ask him,” Rodríguez cleared.
But neither he will do not even have allies still in the sector of him.

The socialist offensive was answered by units. We can.
First from outside the Council of Ministers, with Enrique Santiago, Secretary General of the PCE and, after the pressure exerted by the Socialist Ministries, from within the Breen of the Executive.

In fact, Yolanda Díaz was forced to intervene, although not to mention his partner in the government, but he does endorse the message, in front of the socialist part, which exalted the category of the meat sector.
“Our country should continue betting on sustainable livestock” and “denounce those minority practices that aggravate the climate crisis,” said the vice president.
That believes in UNIDA we can have done Garzón.

At the last minute of an inacabeable Wednesday, the Minister of Consumer said to be quiet about his “impeccable” statements and related internal tensions with the usual differences within the coalition.
Faced with the government spokesman, which had reduced the opinions of him to a “personal” issue, he reaffirmed that he “speaks as a minister, as he can not be otherwise».

Moreover, he said he was aligned with the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Flat, on the guidelines for which the primary sector must advance.
And he revealed that the crisis had forced a conversation between Yolanda Díaz and Pedro Sánchez, without detailing the content.
“Yolanda supports me, because she is a drawer,” he insisted Garzón, which raises his pulse behind Moncloa’s tibia.

The controversy serves the opposition to demand its resignation and the livestock sector to prepare legal actions against the last “attack” committed by the Minister of Consumer, also understood as a challenged the President, and that deepens in the wear and accuses the Government Coalition
that already reflect the surveys.

“They find a town in a depopulated party and put 4,000, or 5,000, or 10,000 heads of cattle.
They contaminate the soil, contaminate the water and then export this petty meat of battered animals, “Garzón said to the Guardian newspaper in the interview published on December 26.
These statements, according to the Minister, were disseminated as a “Bulo” on the part of a “Lobby” of “Big Companies that promote polluting macrogranjas” that, underline, take advantage of the right to charge against it.

Garzón points to Alfonso Fernández Mañueco as a propellant of this “Ball” with “partisan interests”, but there were several socialist autonomous presidents who also recriminated their comments and required him to rectify or resign after causing a severe injury, he recalled, a fundamental activity for numerous
Territories in our country as is the primary sector.

«Not only do we adjust to all the quality standards that the European Union conditions us, but our country emits products of high quality, of excellence from the point of view of the quality of our meats,” said Rodríguez “on behalf of the Government
“And without going to assess whether Garzón must resign or be dismissed.

According to the spokeswoman, “government decisions are issued and those that depart from the Council of Ministers.”
However, he was again certified that Sánchez lacks a power of decision on the distribution of portfolios he agreed with churches in 2019.