The pulse is still alive.
The Government lives one of its most important crises on behalf of the labor market reform.
In the final straight of negotiation with social agents, representatives of more ministries will be seated at the table, apart from work.
The Yolanda Díaz department had been coordinated until solo, since March, this dialogue.
Now he will continue to do, but at the table as well as unions and entrepreneurs there will be representatives of economics, inclusion and social security or education, among other ministries.

Since last Friday, contacts within the coalition to avoid an insurmountable crack are kept over time.
Vice President Yolanda Díaz is determined to go to the end in the bet of her for repealing labor reform and does not admit “interference” of her colleague Nadia Calviño.
In the Moncloa, given that the negotiation enters the final stretch, they want to know about what talk, in what terms, and with what degree of consensus.
It is admitted that Díaz coordinates this negotiation, but with guardianship.

“It is reasonable that members of other departments participate at that negotiating table. This is the approach we are doing,” has noted Isabel Rodríguez, spokesman for the executive after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.
“It would not be understood that an important part of the government would not participate in such a transcendental reform.”

Thus, in the last hours, PSOE and united can be immersed in a negotiation within the Government on the methodology to be applied in this final stretch of the negotiation of labor reform.
Government sources explain that better coordination is sought both to prepare meetings, address them, as well as to work after them.
“It is not a content problem, it is a methodology problem,” explains sources of the Moncloa, in response to Diaz’s criticism, which publicly slid that there was a part of the government, that of the PSOE, who did not want to carry out the
labour reform.

“It’s about watching a methodology that facilitates that the different departments can participate in dialogue with social agents,” they say from the government socialist sector.

After a day of tension, with an urgent meeting among the partners who closed false without arranging the crisis for labor reform, the Moncloa publicly grants that it is Yolanda Díaz that must lead that negotiating table for labor reform, because it is a
Sectoral table of one competence, but exercises the guardianship by expanding the number of chairs and introducing members from other ministries alleging that they are interested and affected as social security, education, hacienda …

Since the Government recall, in addition, that although Díaz because of their status as a minister of work must assume the role of leading dialogue for labor reform, there is a social dialogue table for the recovery plan that is above the rest of the tables
that gather the different ministries and who is headed by the Government President, Pedro Sánchez, or Calviño, in case of absence of the President.

This table, which has gathered three times since its creation – the latter in January 2021 – aims to serve as a channel to regulate dialogue between government and social agents around the recovery plan and reforms to carry out

On Friday the alarms led to the second vice president, what they considered an “interference” was denounced, after receiving a letter from Nadia Calviño where this assumed the coordination of negotiation.
The pulse between the two vice-presidents was fantasing and forced Pedro Sánchez to take a match: he did it by Calviño.
President and Vice President First Remember that they are above Diaz, and about Calviño, which is the most responsible for the executive in economic matters.
She let her do, that she continues to take her voice in the negotiation, but in a truly and supervised way.