so Far, Jacky Bastek in Frankfurt was usually alone on the stage. Variable voice and sophisticated guitar playing, the wise can impress, in Kriftel and Eppstein in the Taunus, who grew up songwriter without electronics. Especially since your Fingerstyle-called style of play suggests, sometimes nearly a small Band. Interwoven melodies, with all eight fingers on the fretboard typed, fluid picking, and concise Riffs, percussive slapping of the end of The dynamic complexity of the strings and the wood, tapped “Beats” and sound variety of this style are simply amazing and fun.

Since then, Jacky Bastek 2016 produced their outstanding debut album, “Idylls” completely independently and published, much has happened. She enrolled at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne, where the 23-year-old musician will soon receive their bachelor’s degree. Unlike most common, with a final concert, but in the Form of a final album, which she related in turn to single-handedly during the Corona-Online semester has been designed. The Virus had still otherwise. “As a Band we wanted to give this year, incredibly a lot of concerts across Europe to Portugal, travel, samples and Demos for our first Trio Album,” says Jacky Bastek. After the pandemic coincided with the tour plan thwarted, the decision to produce at least an EP. “Initially, we sent us sound files back and forth. Meanwhile, we have established us in the dining room of a former monastery and a Studio, together with a friend, the sound engineer,“ says the musician.

No Tour, but a EP

Until the end of the summer to be the EP finished. Currently working primarily with sound, says the band leader. On the basis of the question in many minds: How the mood and intensity of the stage, in a Studio production transfer? Analogously to the live presentation, the Trio is also focused in the Studio on acoustic sound sources, but their scope is greatly expanded. “I have brought the violin out again,” laughs Bastek, which began at the age of six, studying classical violin before as a Teenager on the guitar switch. In the past few years, she has expanded her Repertoire to include mandolin, piano, Cello and Japanese Shakuhachi flute, which can now be used in the recordings. As well as bottle clink, Scratch, or air noise, and polyphonic passages.

The time at the University Jacky Bastek has brought a lot of new contacts. So she gave some concerts with the British pianist Ben Comeau, together they wrote “a 40-minute-long Suite between Songwriter Aesthetics and Olivier Messiaen, we can accommodate even want,” grins Bastek. Through the mediation of their mentor, the Wuppertal-based, American mandolin virtuoso Mike Marshall, toured Bastek in the United States, in addition, she composed music for a video game. The largest scale, however, their encounter with the sound-oriented drummer Felix Ambach, Born in 1998, and about eight years older and double bass player Yannik Tiemann. A single jam session in the spring of 2017 led to the formation of the Band Humblo. Both musicians are rooted in the very active Cologne jazz scene, Tiemann for his involvement in award-winning Bands like the Simon Below, the Quartet and The way Panda is known throughout Germany.