The possible mixed martial arts (MMA) fight in a cage between the bosses of X (ex-Twitter) and Meta, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, announced at the end of June, could take place on August 26 and be broadcast on the platform of the South African billionaire, according to the two protagonists.

“The first episode will be on X video,” Elon Musk announced on Sunday, August 6, noting that “all proceeds will be donated to organizations supporting veterans.”

Mark Zuckerberg reacted on his own platform, now competing with X, Threads, claiming to be “ready today”. “I proposed August 26 when he challenged me, but he didn’t respond to me,” he said. The boss of Meta has also proposed that the retransmission be done on “a more reliable platform and which can really help raise funds” for associations.

Now in direct competition since the launch of Threads by Meta – which uses the same features as X and has 120 million users since its launch in early July, according to Quiver Quantitative – Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have multiplied more or less bitter exchanges . Culminating in late June, Elon Musk posted on his account, “I’m ready for a cage fight,” referring to the cage in which MMA fights take place.

Mark Zuckerberg, who is a martial arts fan himself, now competing in jiu-jitsu and posting fight videos, responded on Instagram with a screenshot of Elon Musk’s message, followed by “Send me the location”. The swap prompted a flurry of reactions on social media, as well as bets on the potential winner, with Mark Zuckerberg emerging as the clear favourite.

The two tech giants have clashed for years over their opposing views of the world, from politics to artificial intelligence. But the animosity between them has escalated further with the arrival of a possible direct competitor for Twitter. Elon Musk bought the social network for 44 billion dollars, before carrying out massive layoffs in the company and reopening the platform to conspiratorial accounts, resulting in a significant loss of advertising revenue.