Pictures like what Cathy Hummels has now uploaded to Instagram are usually more familiar to Britney Spears. The moderator sends greetings from the bathtub and is undressed for the occasion. This does not go down well with her followers.

Cathy Hummels has been officially single since her divorce from soccer player Mats Hummels. She is enjoying this new life to the fullest and also in empty bathtubs, as a photo uploaded to Instagram now shows.

The 35-year-old can be seen shirtless in her private tub, but there doesn’t seem to be any water in it. According to Instagram guidelines, Hummels covered her nipples with two little hearts. A trick she may have picked up from Britney Spears, who frequently features photos like this and much more revealing ones there.

The influencer and “Battle of the Reality Stars” moderator asks her followers about the picture: “Who wants to be my Valentine?”, but does not get the reactions she was hoping for. Instead of numerous applicants for this position, it is mostly female critics who have their say in the comment column.

Among other things, it says: “I like it when women are self-confident and revealing, but your pictures have been a desperate cry for attention since the divorce.” Or also: “The whole sudden sex offensive here since your separation is out. It’s without any style.”

The fact that her mother might have taken this photo doesn’t necessarily make things any better for most. At least some people point the addition “made by mom” in this direction, although Cathy Hummels might just want to say that she shows herself the way her mother created her.

With the picture, she is not only looking for a “Valentine’s treasure”, but also announces a “big announcement”. This is obviously not about a new friend and the actual photographer of the snapshot.

Instead, she directs a few loving words to herself. “Dear Cathy, you are just as right as you are,” she writes about her most recent post, on which she is sitting on the armrest of a sofa all in white with a white bouquet. “And that’s why you have flowers here from me, your self. I love you! Stay super special, imperfect, but perfect as you are.”

But that’s not all, she explains this gesture below. “Today I buy flowers for myself and I am independent and self-determined. I prefer white flowers to red ones. For years I always needed my partner to make me feel beautiful and valuable. Now I don’t have a partner anymore and you know what: I give myself that feeling as best I can. It feels liberating. That’s the key to happiness for me. Love yourself!” Well then: Happy Valentine’s Day!