Helps praise against hatred? Nicole Deitelhoff thinks it’s possible, and colleagues that you want to investigate the question scientifically. How Verbal Aggression in the Internet fight, is a topic for the research Institute for Social cohesion, has now taken up also by the University of Frankfurt for his work.

Sascha Zoske

sheet-makers in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The manners in the social media to improve would certainly be in the sense of a good civil coexistence. With the assumption that a proper culture of debate in the mains alone, with Banned prevail, speaks to Deitelhoffs words, the insights of social psychology to resist. Therefore, should be tested in the “Hate Speech”project, whether “formal-automated popularity in civilized contributions” a favorable effect. The political science Professor is familiar with this approach from a discussion in doctoral colloquia. “There is: At the beginning you always have to have something Positive to say.”

EUR 40 million from the Federal government for four years

The constructive exchange of views in the society to promote is one of the tasks of the new Institute, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of education over four years with 40 million euros. Eleven sites in ten Federal States, has the institution; their work is coordinated at the universities of Leipzig, Bremen and Frankfurt. At the Goethe-University, the office of the Institute is established. Deitelhoff is one of his Spokesmen; in addition to your other nine “Principal Investigators form” of the Frankfurt management team: sociologists, philosophers, legal and political scientists.

in a Practical way how the investigation for hate speech, other projects of the Institute. Deitelhoff itself to deal with, such as conflicts over the construction of mosques or refugee homes can be solved. Whether plan approval process, round tables and citizens ‘ workshops in the case of controversial projects, for compensation, she wants to find out, through studies on real examples, but also through role-play with your students. Another research project aims to show how the treatment of migration-related crime in the media affects the sense of security of the population.

‘freestyle’ about current issues, talk

As societies unsubscribe, differences, and yet a feeling of togetherness can develop, according to Deitelhoff for the Frankfurt researchers, the cross-question. The answers the Professor expects as well as three projects that should appear in the Public. The first of the Streitbus, the want to send to the Institute with the support of the democracy Initiative, “More than” on Tour. By the next spring, the Bus will stop at various locations in Frankfurt and give the citizens a space in which to you about the latest theme and have a talk – “free snout”, as it is expressed in Deitelhoff.

in the autumn could also welcome the dispute of the club its first guests: Thought is in discussions with two presenters and a guest, can also represent daring theses. School classes will follow the discussion and learn how you moderated disputes well. The third project is entitled “controversy in science”: Here, Fighting words are to be taken up, as Deitelhoff says, “” – for example, home, about the then a guest speaker gives a lecture.