An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale again shook this Saturday morning in central and southern Mexico and unleashed the worst fears of those who lived four days before the powerful earthquake of 7.1 that has caused so far around 300 victims mor Such. The rescue efforts have been stopped, as the authorities have reported, and will be retaken as soon as “conditions are safe”. No further damage has been recorded at this time.
The Telluric movement was registered at the 7.53 local time (14.59 GMT) and its epicenter was located in the southern state of Oaxaca, the same area where last September 7 an earthquake of 8.2, the most powerful since 1932, cause 98 dead.

After verifying that the conditions are safe, the activities will restart as soon as possible. Https:// — Luis Felipe Puente (@LUISFELIPE_P) September 23, 2017 the alarm sounded almost a minute before the quake could be felt in Mexico City, which allowed many citizens to leave their homes and take refuge in the street. The scene was repeated, the faces of fear, the “It has happened again”. The 38 collapsed buildings in the capital take them tattooed on the skin and stay inside is not an option.
In Mexico City felt a “light perception and at the moment do not report affectations, continues monitoring”, said on Twitter the national coordinator of Civil Protection, Luis Felipe Puente, who said to be in communication with the States of Chiapas and Oaxaca. Also through the social network, he reported that rescue efforts were stopped in the capital until the revisions were finalized.
“We ask the whole population to remain calm,” he said in turn the presidency. Carlos Valdés, director of the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), confirmed that the earthquake was a replica of the incident on 7 September. Because of the “magnitude” of the earthquake, he said, “it can generate replicas like the one we’ve seen today.”