Burscheid (dpa / lnw) – In a day care center in Burscheid, two employees have been released after allegations of child sexual abuse. The police were called to the daycare center in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district on February 27 and filed a criminal complaint there, a spokeswoman said on Thursday when asked. You first have to get a precise overview and cannot yet give any specific information. The investigations in cooperation with the Cologne police have started. Several media had reported. According to the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” it is about two teachers.

The Caritas Association for the Rheinisch-Bergisch district, which runs the daycare center, said it was not known how many children could be affected by the allegations of sexual abuse. The suspicion was expressed by several parents and relates to children from several families, said a Caritas spokesman for the German Press Agency. Around 110 children are cared for in the day-care center.

The two releases were made as a precaution “also for reasons of protection of the two employees”, as the Caritas spokesman emphasized. The presumption of innocence applies. The association supported the investigative work of the police.