Münster (dpa / lnw) – A 25-year-old courageous man was brutally beaten and seriously injured at a Christopher Street Day meeting in Münster. According to witnesses, a previously unknown suspect had insulted several women on Saturday evening with the words “lesbian whore” and “piss off” and approached them threateningly, the police said on Monday.

The 25-year-old noticed the situation and asked the troublemaker to refrain from insults. According to witnesses, the stranger then suddenly hit him brutally in the face. The helper lost his balance before another punch hit him in the face. Then the 25-year-old lost consciousness and hit his head on the asphalt. The unresponsive, seriously injured man was taken to the hospital, police said.

The state board of the Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD) NRW spoke of a brutal attack and a “transphobic act of violence” against a “young trans man”. He was admitted to the University Hospital in Münster with cerebral hemorrhage. “We hope that he can fully recover from the brutal attack. The Münster police and the police state security must quickly clarify this transphobic act of violence and classify it as what it is: a politically motivated crime,” said LSVD board member Arnulf Sensenbrenner .

The suspect fled on foot with a companion. According to witnesses, he should be between 1.70 and 1.80 meters tall, around 18 to 20 years old and of slight stature. He was wearing flared jeans, a t-shirt and a bucket hat. A commission of inquiry was set up. The police are looking for more witnesses.