Whether residential buildings, schools or gardens: exemplary building projects are the focus of the “Architecture Day”. One focus is on the topic of climate protection and sustainable building.

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – Exemplary new buildings and parks will open their doors in North Rhine-Westphalia by Sunday. According to the NRW Chamber of Architects, interested parties can view a total of 139 projects in 76 cities during the “Day of Architecture”. Under this year’s motto “Architecture builds the future”, visitors can find out about trends over the weekend, exchange ideas with architects or get inspiration for their own building projects.

One focus is the topic of climate protection, for example in the form of energy-saving refurbishment measures or sustainable construction. Examples are a climate-neutral office building in Alfter near Bonn or a student residence in the passive house standard in Bochum. The conversion of a deconsecrated church into a columbarium in Duisburg shows how an existing building has been made fit for the future.

You can also visit exemplary school or day-care center buildings, such as the Gustav-Heinemann-Gesamtschule in Essen. Examples of sophisticated park or garden design are a water playground in Cologne’s green belt and a three-dimensional city garden above a neighborhood housing project in Cologne.