Essen (dpa / lnw) – A suspected member of an illegal so-called “Hawala-Ring” has to continue to do without Hartz IV benefits for the time being. With a decision published on Monday, the State Social Court (LSG) in Essen rejected a corresponding complaint by the father of a family in the legal dispute over the cancellation of his remuneration (file no.: L 7 AS 752/22B ER). The Düsseldorf social court had previously rejected the man’s claim in summary proceedings.

Criminal proceedings are ongoing against the 59-year-old. He is said to have been a member of an international network since 2016 that illegally transferred cash between Germany, Syria and Turkey. The man is said to have been used as a money messenger, among other things.

During a search of his Düsseldorf apartment, the police confiscated 16,300 euros from him. In addition, three accounts were discovered, of which only one was known to the Düsseldorf job center. When the job center then cut the benefits for the father of four children, he filed a lawsuit.

The economic circumstances of the family are unclear, there are doubts about the need for help. The court decided that it was therefore not appropriate to oblige the authority to temporarily continue to pay Hartz IV by means of interim legal protection. If the man can dispel these doubts in the main proceedings that will now follow, he will also get Hartz IV again – also retrospectively, said a court spokesman.