Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The American photographer Carrie Mae Weems is honored with the Bernd and Hilla Becher Prize of the state capital Düsseldorf. Born in Weems in 1953, the city announced on Wednesday that she would receive the €15,000 award for her many years of work. Hannah Darabi, born in Iran in 1981, received the €5,000 sponsorship prize. She lives in Paris, but the country of her origin is the main subject of her work, the city explained.

The prize commemorates the photographer couple Bernd and Hilla Becher, who became famous with motifs of deserted industrial buildings. The Bechers later became teachers of world-renowned artists such as Andreas Gursky.

The prize is awarded every two years. Weems and Darabi are the second prizewinners. The city said the date for the ceremony has not yet been set.