Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The momentous train sabotage from the weekend should also be processed in the Düsseldorf state parliament. The SPD and AfD parliamentary groups have each requested reports from the state government in the interior and transport committees.

The SPD MP Christina Kampmann writes in her application for the interior committee: “The investigative authorities suspect that it was a targeted “test attack” and that insider knowledge was available.” Your parliamentary group therefore wants to know the current status of the attack on railway cables in Herne. In the transport committee, the SPD wants to know whether the state government has an overview of potential attack targets in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The AfD indirectly assumes that the sabotage could have been aimed at her. On Saturday – the day of action – the party called for a demo against the federal government’s energy policy in Berlin. The train came to a standstill in the “immediate run-up to the largest energy protests in Germany to date,” said the NRW-AfD parliamentary group in a press release. Now the interior and transport committees want to find out how the state government intends to protect the critical infrastructure.

On Saturday morning, essential cables for the train radio system in Berlin and Herne were damaged. Rail traffic in large parts of northern Germany then stood still for hours. Countless travelers were stranded at train stations. The state protection of the police determined. The state parliament’s interior committee is scheduled to meet on October 27.