Neuss/Essen (dpa/lnw) – The aid package from the state government for the food banks in North Rhine-Westphalia has caused a mixed response from the clubs. “The Landesverband Tafeln NRW thanks you – also on behalf of the individual Tafel associations – for the donations from the state, which contribute to the continuation of our charitable, voluntary work,” explained Evi Kannemann, acting chairman of the board of Tafel NRW e.V. The chairman of the Essener Tafel, Jörg Sartor, sees this as an entry into permanent subsidies and is therefore concerned about the independence of the food banks. “Independence is being questioned,” he told the German Press Agency on Friday.

In addition, Sartor sees long-term financial support for the Tafel as an admission by the government that the social benefits are not sufficient. “The country admits: ‘We don’t do enough,'” he explained. The Essener Tafel is now starting to take in low-income earners or sole earners who find it difficult to make ends meet. On the other hand, the chairman of the Essener Tafel has no concerns about ad hoc measures such as funds for urgently needed masks and air filters in the Corona crisis. According to Sartor, there are definitely different views on the panels in the country.

The day before, the state government had announced an aid package worth around two million euros for the food banks and other food distributors. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, the state association of food banks and the 172 local food banks in North Rhine-Westphalia will receive around 1.4 million euros from this, and smaller initiatives that are not members of the association will receive around 600,000 euros.

The funds are intended to cushion rising energy and food prices. According to the information, the food banks and food distributors can apply for up to 1500 euros each for the months of October 2022 to February 2023 to finance increased expenses for fuel, energy and heating as well as to finance ongoing operating expenses such as rent or dishes. A total of up to 7,500 euros is available per facility for this period. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, the aim is to consolidate the support. How this can be implemented is currently being examined.