Mönchengladbach (dpa / lnw) – In an apartment fire in Mönchengladbach, the fire brigade saved ten people from the flames on Wednesday evening. The fire brigade announced on Thursday morning that two adults and three children had been brought to safety from the apartment building in the Eicken district using a turntable ladder. Five other people were brought outside through the heavily smoky stairwell with the help of fire escape hoods. No one was seriously injured in the action, it said.

According to the information, when the emergency services arrived, flames were already shooting out of an apartment on the ground floor along the outer facade. A total of around 60 emergency services were deployed. The flames were quickly contained, the subsequent extinguishing work was difficult, the fire brigade continued. The building was initially uninhabitable. Two people stayed with relatives during the night, and the city provided accommodation for the other eight residents. The criminal police took over the investigation into the cause of the fire, which was initially unclear.