For some, they are a clean source of energy, for others, a “bird shredder”: a wind turbines are the ghosts. Authorities often face a Dilemma. You should permit the Development of green energy and at the same time types of protection. The compromise is often: cut-off times. However, are controversial.

“at times, operating restrictions” means it is in the authorities ‘ jargon, when wind turbines must be at a standstill. The causes can be diverse: Kranichzug, bats, noise protection, or the protected red kite and black stork. Because birds can be killed by the spinning rotors. The idea behind switch-off times: When the animals fly, probably, should the wind Turbine to a standstill. When, what the weather is like and how long, must report to clarify. On the table, such obligations come to bureaux with the approval of the government.

How many of 1178 wind turbines in Hesse temporarily at a standstill, is unclear. Neither the regional councils nor the Department of the environment lead book. But the tendency is clear: “Today, almost every wind turbine is operated with a restriction of operating hours,” said a spokesman of the government Presidium Darmstadt, Germany.

The conditions can be devastating

Joachim Wierlemann, Chairman of the country’s wind energy Association, in doubt, in principle, in the sense of the disconnection times: “The shut-downs are highly nonsensical, and is intended to calm the wind power opponents, not help do the types.” In the case of birds, we did not know in the absence of sound research, how useful this measure is. Europe-wide research with transmitting Rotmilanen showed, however, that the loss of animals by wind turbines are below a percentage of the broom, eliminating the birds.

authorities for years, more switch-off times for the pad, has in his eyes for a different reason: “The authorities want to be sure that you will lose in court, it is now complained almost any approval.” The wind Turbine operator must then calculate: is a wind turbine yet? Disastrous conditions were, if they were decided after the construction.

in Addition, the existing shutdown systems to be transparent: shutdowns for bats and birds to be calculated often with the loss of a percentage of the generated annual performance. However, because of the plant shutdown on the basis of values such as temperature and wind speeds themselves, according to Wierlemann the bottom line is also three percent or more. The go, at the expense of profit – the cost of the system remained the same.