It’s a crazy story that France Inter gives us to hear. A crazy story yet very real, even if it is treated in the form of fiction. An idea of ​​Christophe Barreyre, the producer of “Sensitive Affairs”, now retired but who coordinates this new series, after so many other remarkable ones: Jeanne returns (2019), The Hostage (2020), Panda, the voice of jihad (2021), etc.

Let’s try to summarize the case: on April 13, 2021, two men posing as social services inspectors kidnapped 8-year-old Mia in the Vosges, whose grandmother had custody. And this at the request of her mother, who no longer had the right to see her alone. Five days later, mother and daughter were found safe and sound in a squat in Switzerland. Very quickly, it appeared that this kidnapping had been organized by Rémy Daillet, a figure in conspiratorial circles, at the head of an ultra-right group planning violent actions and a “coup d’etat” against the government.

This is what the series written by Vincent Hazard tells very well. Beyond the dramatic kidnapping of the little girl, it is the rise of conspiracy that is at the heart of Operation Lima, directed by Cédric Aussir with an impeccable cast: Robinson Stévenin plays Chief Warrant Officer Gomis; Carine Goron, Captain Joyant.

From the point of view of the police

Told from the point of view of the gendarmes, and following the five days of tracking, the series helps to keep the listener’s attention – fed by numerous but clever flashbacks, on the journeys of the mother, the kidnappers and accomplices, in order to better convey the springs and risks at work in what is often described as a conspiratorial nebula.

A sufficiently dangerous nebula that, let us remember, the Nancy public prosecutor’s office announced on June 9, 2022 that the specialized interregional court was divesting itself of the Mia case in favor of the anti-terrorist pole of the Paris judicial court: “It is, in indeed, it appeared (…) that these actions were an integral part of the violent action plan of the ultra-right group called “DW Reversal” targeting the State and its representations, “said the public prosecutor François Perain. Let us also remember that Rémy Daillet, former executive of the MoDem (from which he had been excluded in 2010), defended the idea of ​​a popular coup and said he was opposed, in bulk, to taxes, vaccines, masks or 5G.

Suffice to say that this dive into the plotters is chilling. We can be delighted, however, that this highly sensitive affair is now widely audible on the antenna of France Inter, as this series allows us to better understand the world in which we live.