The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS, nationalist right), the formation of President Aleksandar Vucic, won the legislative and local elections of December 17, the regularity of which is contested by the opposition, with 46.75% of the votes at the national level, according to the full results published Wednesday by the electoral commission.

According to the presidential party’s projections, this result ensures it an absolute majority of seats in Parliament. The main opposition coalition, Serbia Against Violence (SPN), received 23.66% of the vote.

The full results were published on the electoral commission’s website, after repeated voting in around 30 polling stations – mainly in rural areas – and the final count of ballots from 8,723 polling stations in the country, explained the commission on its website.

A contested vote

The commission has not yet made its own projection of seats, but the Serbian president declared on December 30 that his party, in power since 2012, should have an absolute majority at the national level, namely 129 (or even 130) seats, in a National Assembly which has 250.

The vote has been contested since the first day by the opposition, which denounces “fraud”, and has been followed by almost daily demonstrations in front of the headquarters of the electoral commission and by blockades of the streets of Belgrade.

The SPN has called on the European Union to organize an independent international investigation to verify its claims of “irregularities”.