The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has alerted this Friday that the Government Pact between PP and Vox in Castilla y León supposes “a serious and critical moment for Spanish democracy.”
“For the first time since Franco there is a Government in which the Ultraderecha participates,” he has warned, and he has assured that “the world thinks that the Spanish right has claudicated before the ultrarage”.
He has vaticinate that in this autonomous community there will be all kinds of “retrograde” measures that will endanger “coexistence”, “cohesion”, “social peace”, “memory” or “recognition of victims of the Francoism

At a press conference from the Palace of Versailles (Paris) after participating in the informal summit of EU status heads to address the invasion of Russia, Sánchez has said not wanting to “put hot cloths” and has described a scenario in which the
Two matches “move away from the daily concerns and the principles and values of citizens” and “call reduce social rights, banalize gender violence, point out the immigrant and repeal democratic memory decree.”

The Board of Castilla y León approved a decree in 2018 to regulate the location, exhumation and identification of remains of the victims of the Civil War and the dictatorship that VOX has said that he wants to repeal, although this measure does not appear cited in the Legislature Agreement
Reached with the popular ones.
Sánchez, however, has lamented “that the centroderecha is not able to have a humanity message with the people who are still looking for their loved ones.”
“Those relatives who are asking us to commit ourselves in the exhumations are very old, and they want the rest of having encountered their loved ones, who did not find for 40 years of dictatorship and the early years of democracy,” said the president
of the government.

He has stated that it causes “a deep sadness and discomfort” a pact that, in his opinion, raises “some priorities that do not cease to be the result of a very retrograde vision of Spanish society.”
It is, according to him, of “weakening that which is guaranteeing social peace in a region as important as Castilla y León.”

The executive leader has clung to what was expressed by the former European Council president, Donald Tusk, who has described “Sad Surprise” and “Capitulation” the Government Agreement in Castilla y León.
Has implemented that some European leaders give it the reason and have read “a very serious headline of an international news agency” in which he points out that “the ultrararech for the first time since the time of Franco will be able to participate in a government
Autonomous or on executive tasks “.
“This is what the world thinks and is what the president of the European PP thinks: the right has claudicated at the ultraraderecha,” he has insisted.

He has assured that this situation could have been avoided because “the PSOE gave him an alternative to the PP and has chosen to embrace the ultrarage”.
The PSOE, however, refused to facilitate with its abstention a Government of the PP in Castile and León without Vox.
Sánchez has defended that the PP, “if he wants to put a democratic cord to the ultrarage, he can be put.”
And he announced that as soon as Alberto Núñez Feijóo is named the popular leader, he will talk to him and “share some of these concerns”.