The Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, has reduced the hours of religion to reinforce Castilian language, mathematics, medium knowledge and artistic teachings.
In the time distribution corresponding to the minimum teachings for primary school (from six to 12 years old), religious teaching loses one third of the weight held in the Organic Education Law (LEE), as it passed from 315 hours at 210 hours throughout the
For the time distribution of the subjects you can determine what are the true priorities of the rulers.
According to primary schedule development, the one who has had access to the world, the most important subject will be a Spanish language and literature, with 840 hours, followed by mathematics (545 hours), knowledge of the natural, social and cultural environment (480), tongue
Foreign (365), Artistic Education (360) and Physical Education (300).
The last of the tail are religion, with 210 hours, and education in civic and ethical values, with 50 hours, because it is only given in a course at the end of the cycle.
These hours are the minimum, within the margin of action of the State, but then the CCAA can complete them with what they consider, because Isabel Celaá gave them more margin so that they could distribute them as they would like.
We must bear in mind that the Law Celaá has assigned competitions the autonomies, so now the Ministry of Education has fewer hours to distribute (3,150 hours in the Lomloe versus 3,305 of the LEE).
Now it is reduced by 5% state time in all subjects and a total of 155 hours is lost.
Because it can only arrange about 50% of the schedule in the autonomies with a co-official language and 60% in the rest.
With the loe these percentages were 55% and 65% respectively.
With the WET law there was no competence distribution because the Government was attributed the exclusive competence on instrumental matters and did not establish a minimum number of state hours by subject, leaving it at the Election of the CCAA, although in the CEUTA curriculum and Melilla, the
Unique territories with state competition, established a minimum of 45 minutes per week of religion.
Sources of the WERT team then explain that a minimum of hours was not fixed for each subject “because that was the autonomy of the centers.”
In this way, each CCAA distributed them as you wanted, although in practice the majority followed the LEE so as not to complicate too much and not alter a lot of the situation of teachers, since reducing the schedule of a subject implies dismissals and nobody wanted more school confrontation
Now the Ministry wanted to delimit the hours and establish priorities: Religion, which with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero had at least 90 minutes per week, will have a minimum of one hour a week, which can be completed by the CCAA.
Currently, the weight of religion goes from 45 minutes weekly that is taught in Aragon and Canarias at the two weekly sessions that came to establish Castilla-La Mancha or Navarra.
Between it is the rest of the regions, with an hour (Galicia) or weekly hour and a half (Madrid or Castilla y León).
It will depend, therefore, from the autonomies to spend that weekly time established by the state at an hour and a half or two hours, depending on how they want to use their bank of hours and how important they want to give each of the subjects.
The state curriculum only said that there would be 70 hours in the first cycle (1st and 2nd) of primary school, 70 in the second cycle (3rd and 4th) and 70 in the third (5th and 6th).
The bishops will have to negotiate, one by one, with the CCAA to not lose the autonomic status they had so far.
Sources of the Community of Madrid explain that their intention “is to maintain the hours of religion that are taught at present.”
“We are analyzing the draft of Royal Decree who has sent the Ministry of Education and FP to verify whether with the minimum hours established for all subjects, it can be followed with those hours in religion,” they add.
The Ministry of Education has made accountable by taking away from there and putting from there to try to compensate for the 155 hours of the State that has lost since 2006. Extrapolate the distribution that Loe did to the new situation, has taken a total of 90 hours to religion,
It has distributed as follows: 60 hours to artistic education (plastic and music), 15 hours for medium knowledge, 10 hours for mathematics and five hours for Castilian language and literature.
The great winning is artistic education, which was very marginalized in the Loe.
Is the only one of the subjects that gain more hours than those with the Law of 2006. Now it will have a minimum of 120 hours per cycle, which they do in total 360 hours, compared at 315 that was with Zapatero and the
300 that would theoretically correspond to discount the effect of competence weight loss, which make a total of 60 more hours.
They are, on average, 1.7 hours per week per course.
Education in civic and ethical values, which was then called education for citizenship, remains as it was then: with 50 hours in a third cycle course, which is a minimum of 1.4 hours a week per course.
The rest of the subjects loses hours from the LEE by reducing the state schedule.
But the ministry has given him a prize of symbolic consolation to Castilian language and literature.
The team of joy wanted to strengthen the subject as a measure to alleviate the lack of Spanish in the schools of Catalonia, where all subjects less are taught in Catalan.
This subject will have 280 hours per week in each primary cycle, which is equivalent to four hours per week per course.
They are, in total, 840 hours compared to 875 of the Loe and the 835 that would have if the general reduction of the subjects should not be applied for the fact that the State now determines 5% less time.
Win, therefore, five hours, less than an hour per course, which means that the reinforcement will be minimal and of little it will serve in Catalonia.
Regarding mathematics, joy dedicates them 545 hours in total, which are distributed in 180 in the first cycle (with the Loe were 175), 185 in the second cycle (210 in the Law of 2006) and 180 in the third cycle (
Those 545 hours are less than the 560 of the Loe but they suppose to gain 10 hours in the total distribution taking into account the loss of competence weight, since if the ministry had moved the percentages of the LEE would be 535 hours.
Mathematics is going to have, at least 2.8 weekly hours.
In awareness of the medium there will be 480 hours in total (160 per cycle), compared to the 490 that was in the LEE and 465 that would theoretically correspond.
They are, therefore, 15 hours more.
This is equivalent to 2.3 hours per week.
Foreign language, which is usually English, will be a total of 365 hours compared to 385 hours of the LEE.
This subject loses weight, therefore, with respect to the law but its value in relative terms is the same, if you take into account that all have been harmed.
120 hours will be taught in the first cycle, 120 hours in the second and 125 in the third.
This supposes, a week, to take a minimum of 1.7 hours a week.
In Physical Education there will be 300 hours in total compared to 315 of the LEE.
But its weight in relative terms is the same given the widespread loss in the curriculum.
This subject will have at least 1.4 mandatory weekly hours.
Joy has referred to regional governments The definitive version of the curriculum, after incorporating some of the contributions of autonomous communities that had complained about their strong ideological burden.
In Values (Transnment of Education for Citizenship) will no longer be discussed, for example, of the “good” and the “bad”, but of “the valuable and the values”.
Some issues have been softened and the number of times the word gender appears in some subjects, but the fund has not been touched.
Thus, the gender perspective is maintained and the socio-emotional sense in the subject of mathematics, which denounced this newspaper.
However, the elimination of several content is maintained, such as the rules of three or the Roman numbers, or tools such as the dictation.
In the Ministry they explain that they have not made an exhaustive relationship of the content as it came in the Lomce because “I never gave time to give it everything.”
“In the curriculum, minimum competences and each teacher are set, depending on the level of their classroom, can increase the knowledge,” respond by the consulted sources, who insist that “you have to trust the professionalism of the teachers”, which
They will be the ones who will determine, in each center, what each child will study.