The Basque Nationalist Party has finally decided not to submit amendment to the entire draft State Budgets of the State for 2022 after reaching an agreement with the Government that implies the transfer to the Basque Executive of the Management of Minimum Vital Income, one of the Claims Star
of the PNV.

In this way, and waiting for the decision that ERC adopts, the road to process the public accounts against which, at the moment, seven amendments have been presented to the entirety: PP, citizens, Vox, Coalition
Canaria, JXCAT, Forum Asturias and the Cup.

However, the non-presentation of the refund amendment by Basque nationalists does not imply that this training guarantees its final support to public accounts.

The Parliamentary spokesperson of the PNV, Aitor Esteban, hopes that the “political agreement” achieved with the central executive is fully profiled and in force at the beginning of 2022. The details of it must now be closed by the two governments.

Esteban is also confident that the remaining requests of their training will be served by the Government and, finally, its six deputies can give a definitive yes.

This support, at the moment, is not fully guaranteed, will depend on the central executive throughout the parliamentary processing accepts the partial amendments that the Basque group will present and that will affect the transfer of railway lines with departure and destination to the
Basque Country and at the level of investment planned for the new exercise – now collects the project are insufficient for PNV-, as well as full execution of agreedings in 2021.

Basque nationalists what they are at the moment is to facilitate that the project can exceed next Thursday the first great stumbling of the amendments to the whole.