The Polish government decided on Tuesday to increase its military presence on the border with Belarus before the accumulation of groups of migrants in the area, is prepared for new incidents and has banned land traffic in the area until further notice.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said today that “sealing the border” is “in the national interest” of Poland “and added that” also the stability and security of the entire European Union (EU) are threatened. ”

“We will not let ourselves be intimidated and we will defend peace in Europe with our NATO and EU partners,” said the chief of the Polish government.

During Monday night, several groups of hundreds of migrants accumulated in front of the fence that delimits the Polish-Belarusian border in the Kuznica area and, when they tried to tear down, the Polish border forces rejected them with water cannons.

Warsaw has announced that it will expand the leading military forces at the border, which currently add up 12,000 troops, and the urgent mobilization of two battalions in the province of Podlasia (East), has been ordered, one of the three Polish regions remaining in an emergency State
Since September 2.

Likewise, police forces have been transferred there from several cities, such as Poznan, Gdansk and Lódz, to collaborate in surveillance tasks.

In recordings spread by the Polish Government and the Border Guard can be seen hundreds of encampled migrants and dembulating along the border fence during Monday night.

In one of the videos, shots come from the Belarusian side, which in general opinion Waldemar SkrzyPczak, “can be executions” of migrants to force them to stay on the Polish border, then, “the Belarusians are capable of anything

For its part, another Polish Officer, General Roman Polko, said on Monday to be recorded that among migrants there are people “who show signs of belonging to Belarusian secret service” and said that the Minsk authorities provide refugees “numbers
Telephone from journalists and Polish organizations “to coordinate their infiltrations and who” use children to cause empathy “.

The President of the Polish Parliament, Elzbieta Witek, who has scheduled an extraordinary session to discuss the situation on Tuesday, assured that his Government “is prepared for any scenario”.

Since the last spring, the number of attempts at illegal entry in Poland has multiplied from Belarus both Poland and the EU consider this the result of a plan of Aleksander Lukashenko to destabilize Europe.