The deputy of Unidas Podemos, Marisa Saavedra, has fainted during the vote on the Housing Law in plenary session of Congress, for which reason it has been interrupted for a few minutes so that the parliamentarian could be attended to by the Chamber toilets.

Saavedra remains in congressional premises after having passed out for a few seconds and after falling to the ground near his seat. Batet has indicated to the deputies that he is recovering.

The deputy suddenly felt unwell during the vote on the amendments to the new Customer Service Law, and at first she was being attended by her fellow seat, the deputy Roser Maestro who fanned her to see if she would recovered..

Finally, it has vanished and the president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, has interrupted the plenary session and has taken a break for a few minutes.

Several deputies from the parliamentary group and from other formations and also the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, have come to attend to her until two toilets from Congress have arrived.

The plenary session has continued after several minutes with the vote.

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