The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, denounced this Sunday in the Italian capital, Rome, the “manipulation” of his words about the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and has assured that he does not want “anyone, not even a corrupt and a traitor, hang him by his feet.”

“And I will not speak in Italian because they misunderstand me even when I speak in Spanish. Sometimes it does not matter what we say and the language we use because the sinister (sinistra, left in Italian) will always manipulate our words, always lie about our intentions and always hide our truths,” he said at Atreju, a convention of the far-right Brothers of Italy party of the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.

Abascal has arrived in Rome after the controversy he aroused when he said about the President of the Government and leader of the Socialist Party, Pedro Sánchez, that “there will be a given moment when the people will want to hang him by his feet”, in an interview with the Argentine newspaper Clarín. .

This Sunday, the leader of Vox opened his speech at the Roman event alluding to this issue: “This same week in Spain, the sinister politics and media have manipulated and twisted my words to make a violent caricature and to lynch me in the public square. “, has held.

“I know that this manipulation has reached Italy and I want to say that no, I do not want anyone, not even a corrupt person and a traitor, to be hanged by the feet. No one, absolutely no one,” he said.

Abascal has defended that the idea of ​​hanging someone by the feet “is something that disgusts me whenever it has happened in history” (the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was hanged in this way in Milan after the fall of the fascist regime in 1945, although the Spanish politician has not directly alluded to these events).

“Others like that, those who do not respect human life, from its conception to its natural extinction and who are used to evoking it the same against me in Spain as against Giorgia (Meloni) here in Italy,” he denounced.

Abascal added that “to prevent these manipulations of our words from succeeding, it is important to meet from time to time and it is important to speak to each other directly.”

The leader of Vox has been one of the speakers on this final day of Atreju and this Saturday he was able to listen to the interventions of personalities such as the magnate Elon Musk, with whom he spoke.