The spokesperson for Ciudadanos in Congress, Inés Arrimadas, has urged this Thursday “not to collapse” and not to be carried away by the “drama” in the face of the leak of orange charges against the PP, although she declares herself “fully aware” of the “evil” moment that the political formation is going through.

Before the media upon his arrival at an event organized by the Carlos III University, Arrimadas recalled that “life has good and bad moments” and “there are difficulties”, but he has advocated “working and fighting” and not ” collapse” and “dramas”.

In this line, he has stressed that “most people stay in Ciudadanos”, downplaying the importance of the cascade of charges that in recent days have been leaving the orange party and joining the PP. Above all, the Ciudadanos councilors in the Madrid City Council stand out, one of the key squares of the formation. There are already six of the eleven councilors who have fled with the popular.

Given this, the parliamentary spokesperson admits that Ciudadanos “is going through a bad time”, but has stressed that the ideological space of the center and liberal is complex. Arrimadas acknowledges that in Spain it “has not caught on”, something that seems “surprising” to him given the Transition, where “harmony” was “led by the center.” In her opinion, in Spain “a balance” is necessary that represents her party.

However, during his speech at the event, he stressed that the current situation of Ciudadanos is not a rarity and that other European liberal parties have suffered in a similar way. “What is happening is nothing that has not happened and it is nothing that does not happen to any company, family, that during its life goes through difficulties,” he added.

Thus, she declares herself “fully aware of the moment”, stressing that this is the stage in which she is “most proud” to belong to Ciudadanos, together with the moment in which she joined in 2011. “With Ciudadanos or with nobody and I have it very clear”, has repeated, before the rumors that link it with a possible jump to the PP.

Arrimadas has alluded to the electoral prospects of Ciudadanos, to which all the surveys predict poor results both in the municipal and regional elections in May and in the general ones in December. The ‘orange’ spokeswoman has pointed out that “the polls do not serve to reflect reality” but to “condition it” and she has asked not to get carried away by the “self-fulfilling prophecy” of the polls.

Immediately afterwards, he has expressed that a liberal party “has to be the key to the vault” to “condition” Spanish politics and, for this, the 57 seats that they once had are not necessary. “The PNV decides things with six seats,” he said. “There is no more useful vote, it is a key party that is in the middle even if it is very small,” he emphasized.

During her speech, the Ciudadanos deputy insisted on pointing out that her party is the “only one” that talks about “uncomfortable” issues, such as that the increase in pensions must be linked to the salaries of those who have to maintain them and currently the system is “unsustainable”. She has also mentioned the low birth rate in Spain, the fight against the submerged economy or that being autonomous is not “the passion of Christ”.

In this context, he has guaranteed that Ciudadanos works for young Spaniards and has lamented that their “problems”, such as housing, having children or youth unemployment, extend “up to 35 years of age”.

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