Isabel Díaz Ayuso has attacked the Government this Saturday for the end of the policy of dispersal of ETA prisoners. The president of the Community of Madrid took advantage of an act of the PP focused on relations between Europe and Latin America to accuse Pedro Sánchez of submitting to the wishes of the terrorist environment in order to maintain his parliamentary support.

Ayuso has started his speech by presenting Madrid as the refuge of those who seek “freedom”, contrasting it with the actions of a “Government of liberticides” that relies on votes such as those of EH Bildu. “We live in difficult times, hard times for freedom on both sides of the Atlantic. Here in Spain, the Sánchez government and its populist and separatist partners sell the greatest immoralities as if they were advances. They support their Government in the people who have committed the most serious crimes; the worst, the one that threatens life, but also against the freedom, unity and coexistence of the institutions », he affirmed.

“Sánchez has a government in coalition with those who carried out terror throughout Spain to break it and end democracy,” he added, before directly mentioning the end of 30 years of dispersal policy and the increasing prison benefits granted to prisoners etarras

“Now that government has just given the release and privileges to the members of the terrorist group ETA who still have more than 300 crimes to solve and consents to calling those terrorists political prisoners without anything happening, because they sit at the same tables to negotiate.”

Ayuso, who in two months faces the revalidation of the regional elections, has lamented that there is a part of Spaniards “that is not scandalized” by the benefits that, in his opinion, Pedro Sánchez grants to convicted terrorists. “Sánchez’s favors to ETA are immoral,” he concluded.

The words of the Madrid president have come in a joint act with Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Unlike Ayuso, the popular leader has not made any reference to the fact that the last five approaches of prisoners who were not yet in prisons in the Basque Country and Navarra had taken place the day before. The institutional deputy secretary of the PP, Esteban González Pons, was present at the event, and he did not mention the matter in his speech either.

Yes, the president of the Vizcaya PP, Raquel González, has done so in an act in Bilbao, and in the same line as Ayuso, with reference to the “moral denigration” that the end of the dispersion supposes. “Bringing prisoners closer was the payment to Otegi, releasing them is the payment to the PNV”, González summarized, after recalling that the coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, “asked Sánchez for the express approach of the prisoners in exchange for their votes to make him president and he gladly accepted, trampling all the victims in particular and all Spaniards in general.

“That they do not sell us mandatory compliance with the prison law when the Prosecutor’s Office itself has to appeal more than half of the third degrees granted and stop them,” he added.

Criticism like this has led the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, this Saturday to affirm that the PP “practices cynicism and makes an absolutely inappropriate and indecent use” of the fight against terrorism. The minister recalled that under the presidency of José María Aznar, with ETA still active, half a thousand prisoners were approached.

From the Basque Government, its spokesman, Bingen Zupiria, has attributed part of the credit for the approaches and has considered the approaches an inevitable episode after the dissolution of the terrorist group. “The fact that the dispersal of the Basque prisoners ends and they are brought closer to prisons around us, we believe is a logical consequence of the end of the violence for which the Government and the Lehendakari have worked over these years,” he stated.

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