Podemos returns to the fray to demand a ministry although on this occasion it has also revealed who it wants it to be for. The general secretary of the purple party, Ione Belarra, demands from the PSOE and Sumar that Irene Montero repeats as Minister of Equality in the next Executive if Pedro Sánchez carries out the investiture. “It would be Podemos’s best contribution to that new Government,” she stressed.

For the still Minister of Social Rights, the PSOE and Sumar must make a “reflection” on what has happened in recent times and “recognize” that “they made a mistake” in dealing with her, both when evaluating her management as with the “veto” he suffered in the candidacy of Yolanda Díaz.

That self-criticism that you ask for indicates that it must be resolved by making him repeat the position. ” Podemos wants Irene Montero to continue being the Minister of Equality, because Irene has placed our country as an international reference in terms of feminist and LGTBI rights,” Belarra stated in an interview on Canal Red.

For Belarra, Montero is the “best” minister of equality that Spain has had and the “best” that “women” can have. “You may have a good academic level, a very refined feminist theory, but what Podemos contributes is that it takes the fights to the end,” she claimed, saying that only the purple ones are capable of withstanding the “pressure.”

For the general secretary of Podemos, Montero is finding “outside” the recognition that PSOE, Sumar and others do not grant her within, to the point that the laws (Trans, Only si es si or abortion reform) that she has promoted in the last legislature “are authentic references at the international level that many other countries are copying.”