The countdown for the departures of Reyes Maroto and Carolina Darias from the Council of Ministers is already activated. The heads of the Industry and Health portfolios have publicly said goodbye to their current responsibilities this Tuesday before being relieved in the Government organization chart to head, respectively, the PSOE candidacies for the municipalities of Madrid and Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.

The exact day on which these “surgical” changes will take place -since they will not be accompanied by other dismissals- remains unknown even for a nucleus very close to the president: the only key provided in this regard by Pedro Sánchez is that they will be made before the end of March.

Maroto has taken advantage of her appearance in what “probably” has been her last press conference as minister to make a detailed assessment of her management since her arrival at La Moncloa as the first Socialist Executive after the motion of no confidence in the popular Mariano Rajoy. Among his achievements, he has cited the commitment to build a gigabattery factory in Sagunto (Valencia) and the resolution of the crisis of the closure of Nissan in Barcelona without making any self-criticism: he has not mentioned, for example, the failure to award the aid from the automobile PERTE, which was 80% deserted in its first call.

“These have been difficult years, in which we have had to manage a complex ministry due to its importance for the Spanish economy, and with the impacts of two crises, such as the pandemic and now the war. But they have also been exciting years because we have been able to develop a policy that has lived up to what this country undoubtedly needed, developing investment projects that represent the present and future of our industry, also generating the bases to reinforce our autonomy. industry and, above all, attracting new investments”, has listed the candidate for mayor of Madrid.

Along the same lines, the Minister of Health took advantage of her trip to Brussels this Tuesday to say goodbye to her European colleagues and those responsible for community institutions. In statements to the media, Darias thanked the responsibility he has held, highlighting the “complicated moment”, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, in January 2021, in which the situation demanded “the maximum from everyone”, reports Europa Press .

Despite their goodbyes in public, neither of them has specified when the resignation of their portfolios will be made official. “It is a power of the president that corresponds to him and only him,” Maroto has settled. “It will be done when the president says,” added the candidate for Mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

The Federal Committee of the PSOE is going to approve this Saturday its lists for the municipal and regional elections on May 28. The unknown is whether the ministers who are on the exit ramp will arrive at that appointment without their public offices, in which case the government crisis would be on Thursday or Friday.

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