The debate in the Congress of Deputies for the reform of the ‘only yes is yes’ law has had one of its peak moments with the intervention of Ana Oramas, deputy of the Canary Coalition.

The party spokesperson in the mixed group has scolded Irene Montero and Ione Belarra for the disastrous management of this law, which has already caused the reduction of the sentence of more than 1,000 sexual offenders: “They are not ashamed, correct and apologize to women”, Oramas exclaimed.

In addition, during her speech, the Canarian representative has requested a “budget item so that all the victims who want to appeal, see said resource financed”, something that already appears in a law for which she voted in favor.

Montero has not let this “slip” escape to refute Oramas after the insult he had received from him: “You can call me a scoundrel as many times as you want, but free justice for all victims of sexual violence is a right recognized in the law, find out before going up to this platform”, the Minister for Equality replied.

Regarding his vote for the reform, Oramas has indicated that his party would vote in favor of this legislative change, but he considers that the PSOE does not do so “out of conviction, but because it has entailed an electoral cost.”

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