Five years later, Podemos has joined the complaint that other parties make that José Félix Tezanos “manipulates” the CIS data to present distorted voting intentions. For this reason, the purple party demands “immediate” explanations from the president of the CIS because it is a “very serious” situation and that “it has no precedents.”

Specifically, Podemos alludes to the barometer for the month of March, in which it says that there was “an alleged manipulation of the data” collected by the CIS with the purpose of “lowering the estimate of the vote for Unidas Podemos” in a context of clash between purples and the PSOE for the correction of the law of only yes is yes. And that this would have generated “false news” against them because it served to present a “drop” in their popular support.

The complaint that Podemos is now making, and that parties such as the PP, Ciudadanos or Vox and political scientists and poll experts of all kinds have been making for five years, comes at a very specific moment of tension between the purple party and the PSOE for support that Pedro Sánchez is offering Yolanda Díaz to give flight to her candidacy for the generals and in her particular war with Podemos.

Sánchez allowed Díaz to take over much of the prominence of Vox’s motion of no confidence with an intervention in Congress that was the unofficial presentation of Sumar and the electoral ticket with the President of the Government for the general elections. Likewise, Moncloa irritated Podemos this week when it vetoed the party’s Minister of Social Rights and general secretary, Ione Belarra, from presenting the Family Law at the press conference after the Council of Ministers, thus diluting her focus despite the fact that It is about the flagship project of his ministry.

This second episode is the one that unleashed harsh criticism in Podemos and its environment against the PSOE for understanding that it was meddling in the internal debates of the space to ignore Podemos. That front was championed above all in public by Pablo Iglesias, who made use of information from Ser in which it was said that the PSOE was facilitating Díaz’s strategy and elevating it above Belarra and Irene Montero.

“Hopefully some colleagues understand that the objective of this supposed ‘help’ from the PSOE is to destroy a political space with which they never wanted to govern. They forced two electoral repetitions for that reason and collaborated with the media sewer. If Anguita lived, I think she would say so, ” pointed out the former general secretary of Podemos.

Just a few days later, and based on some tweets from a professor of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Podemos turns against Tezanos and implicitly against the PSOE to accuse them of acting against them. “If it is true that the CIS manipulated the UP March data to tell everyone about our ‘drop’ by law only if we are facing a very serious and unprecedented situation in a key public institution,” Belarra denounced.

Sources from Podemos delve into this to demand that Tezanos publicly and immediately offer “all relevant explanations” in this regard. “With this kind of practice, a key public institution is called into question,” these sources add.

The public denunciations of “manipulation” of the CIS have been taking place for five years, but it is the first time that one of the parties that are part of the Government subscribes to them.

The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has used irony: “What a novelty.” “They did not care about the manipulation of the CIS until it also reached them. Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz have decided that now Podemos is their adversary too. No more and no less. What times those in which Iglesias also manipulated the CIS in those meals! “, he tweeted.

The also leader of the PP Esteban González Pons has asked “what the Prosecutor’s Office is waiting for to file a complaint against Tezanos for prevarication and illegal financing of the PSOE.”

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