Until Saturday it was a taboo topic in the PSOE leadership. Now the acting president of the Government and general secretary of the party, Pedro Sánchez, has gone on to defend, even in writing, that the amnesty for those involved in the illegal referendum in Catalonia in 2017 is the “correct path” to continue advancing in coexistence.

He has done so in a letter sent to the socialist militants in which he asks for their support in the consultation that is taking place this week to give the green light to the coalition agreement with Sumar, which needs the support of the pro-independence parties. In it he argues the need to reach a “broader” majority that “demands continuing to advance in the reunion to overcome the still open wounds” resulting from “a crisis” that, he justifies, they inherited upon arriving at La Moncloa.

“I am convinced that the amnesty will contribute to doing so. Experience tells us that it is the correct path, as demonstrated by the success of the measures adopted in the last legislature. Measures that have undeniably contributed to improving coexistence in Catalonia,” he says. the text -in implicit allusion to the pardons of those convicted by the process-, in which there are phrases copied from the speech that Sánchez made on Saturday before the Federal Committee of the PSOE, but without going into detail either.

Likewise, the acting president anticipates that he will not have “the support of the right which, once again, is getting out of the way at a crucial moment for Spain”, although he is convinced that time will “give him the reason”. In this sense, he points out that the socialists will be the political force that binds Spain “with the greatness of looking forward and leaving behind the difficulties caused by disagreements.”

On Saturday, before the Federal Committee of his party, Sánchez openly defended the change of position on a pardon for those involved in the illegal consultation six years ago that until the 23rd elections he maintained was unconstitutional: “In the name of Spain, in the interest of Spain, in defense of coexistence between Spaniards, today I defend the amnesty in Catalonia.”

Now the leader of the socialists leaves the last word on the pacts he needs to close for his re-election to his party’s militancy, which he says “will live up to this historic responsibility.” The consultation will be carried out online this week and in person next Saturday, November 4, in local groups. The result will be announced on Sunday.