The acting President of the Government and leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, has declared a profit of 42,000 euros for copyright, since he has two titles in bookstores: Manual de Resistencia, published in 2019, and The new economic diplomacy Spanish, in 2013.

This is a part of the income that Sánchez has notified in the declaration of assets and activities that Congress has made public this Wednesday together with the rest of the deputies of the Chamber, including the Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, who apart after including his gross monthly salary of 6,952 euros, he declares a monthly aid for a large family of 150 euros. This aid is requested through model 143 of the Tax Agency.

Pedro Sánchez’s income includes, in addition to his salary as president of 87,814.80 euros and 42,000 for copyright, 12,845 for real estate leasing. He owns two homes in Madrid and two parking spaces.

He has a mortgage loan of 159,300 euros of which he has 61,786 left to pay; two checking accounts with 19,208 euros, a pension plan worth 105,378 euros and an investment fund of 81,449.

Sánchez also declares donations to the Nur Social Work of the Nematollahi Sufi Center of Spain, which cares for people at risk of social exclusion.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has declared, as he did recently in the Senate, that he received a salary of 21,686 euros from the Xunta de Galicia when he was then president, 1,770 from the Galician Parliament, 39,260 from the PP as “representation expenses” and 31,850 as president of the popular group in the Senate.

On the other hand, he owns, among other things, 37,627 euros in a checking account, 403,425 euros in an investment fund in Abanca and 195,163.16 in a pension plan, in addition to Telefónica shares worth 363.40 euros and Inditex for 133,200 euros. He owns three homes (in Madrid, Vigo and A Coruña) and two parking spaces (in Vigo and A Coruña), as well as a rustic farm in the Coruña town of Ames.

Santiago Abascal declares an income of 37,357 euros as president of Vox, a house in Madrid and a bank account with 29,017 euros.

From Sánchez’s acting cabinet, one of the ministers who receives the highest salary is that of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, since to the 76,355.28 euros per year that he earns for this position, he adds 4,346.24 in three-year terms up to November 2022, a pension from the European Commission of 45,477.42 and a voluntary pension fund from the European Parliament of 18,496.94.

Planas is also the one that owns the most properties: two houses, a garage space and a dry plot of land in Córdoba, apart from another house in Málaga, Madrid and Morocco.

The head of the Treasury and Public Function, María Jesús Montero, also has a large real estate heritage, with a total of three homes, a store and a garage in Seville, as well as Pilar Alegría, Minister of Education, who owns two houses: one in Zaragoza and another in Castellón.

On the opposite side, the most austere acting minister is that of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, who at 43 years old does not declare any home or car owned and beyond her salary (of 77,478.24 gross euros per year) assures have 44,500 euros in a checking account.

The Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, has two homes acquired in bare ownership, one in Madrid and the other in Asturias.

Among the properties declared by other ministers, there is a painting of the flamenco school valued at 10,000 euros, owned by the head of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, and the third vice president and minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, notifies that she has three cars , including a hybrid.

The leader of Sumar and still second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has reported having an office and a house in A Coruña, two cars, a bank account with 33,200 euros and a mortgage of 168,284 euros.

Ione Belarra, holder of Social Rights and general secretary of Podemos who has taken her seat for Sumar, declares a house in Madrid with a cadastral value that does not reach 40,000 euros, a mortgage of 70,700 euros and a checking account with 84,245 euros.

Within Sumar, the wealthiest is the former Spanish ambassador to the UN, Agustín Santos, who owns two houses in Madrid, one in Menorca, where he also has a plot, and another house in Brussels.

Apart from having a car and two motorcycles, he has a sailboat and a checking account with more than half a million euros.