Antonio Machado has become one of the involuntary protagonists of the investiture debate being held this Wednesday in the Congress of Deputies. During his speech from the speakers’ gallery, Alberto Núñez Feijóo reproached Pedro Sánchez for using a phrase by the Sevillian writer, which in his opinion was shortened: “Tell it in full. Do you even lie in quotes?”

“He says: ‘Today is always still. All life is now’. And he omits: ‘And now, now is the time to fulfill the promises we made to each other.’ This is the full quote,” stated the PP leader for to reproach the acting president of the Government and candidate for re-election for having agreed to amnesty the independentists involved in the 1-0 despite saying until the eve of the elections that it was unconstitutional.

In his reply, Sánchez has read a tweet by Ismael Serrano in which the singer-songwriter replied, in turn, to Feijóo: “It’s not to give me shit. But that addition is not from Machado. It’s from yours truly. It’s part of the presentation I made of the song Now in the recording of a live concert”. “That’s what it’s like to search for things on Google, although I understand that you are a newcomer as a Google user, as all Spaniards know after your dangerous friendships that we didn’t see because Google didn’t exist in Galicia then,” he reprimanded him, among other things. laughter, the general secretary of the socialists reminded the winner of the elections, in passing, of his photo with the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado.

Back in his turn to speak, the leader of the PP responded that he is not surprised that he “defends the word” of the author of the Generation of ’98 because “he cannot defend his own.” Likewise, regarding his slip with the musical appointment, he has acknowledged that he likes Luis Eduardo Aute, Javier Krahe and Joaquín Sabina more than “that singer-songwriter”, although he has read one of his verses: “How beautiful, how fun the song is with me.” coexistence”. “How has Mr. Sánchez not mentioned it to us?” He asked ironically to the applause of his bench.

Another of the tense moments of the day was recorded when Sánchez told the leader of the popular parties that “his predecessor warned of a probable case of corruption on the part of the president of the Community of Madrid” – in reference to a sale of masks in which his sister participated, whose complaint was filed – and that “his response was withering: evacuating Mr. Pablo Casado in a landslide and destroying that case of corruption of Mrs. Isabel Díaz Ayuso.”

From the guest gallery, the aforementioned responded to the speaker with a word that, in a lip reading, could apparently be interpreted as an insult. However, the Madrid leader’s team points out that what she said was “I like fruit.”

Another moment of tension in the Lower House occurred between Francina Armengol and Santiago Abascal when the leader of Vox stated that Sánchez was trying to carry out “a coup d’état” and, like Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro or Hitler, “maneuver” from power to break democracy.

The president of Congress, based on article 103 of the Regulations, has accused him of going “against the foundations of democracy” and has asked him to withdraw such expressions. “I am not going to withdraw my own word and interpretation of what is happening in Spain,” responded Abascal, who warned that “if they delete it they will only be accrediting” his accusations: “Not even the deputies have freedom of expression in the gallery anymore.” of Congress speakers”.

The leader of Vox and his deputies ended up leaving the chamber after his intervention, which concluded with these words to Sánchez: “His lies, his sinister laugh that today recalled that of Emperor Nero while Rome was burning, his lack of morality, the The feeling that he has lost his mind with this attack on the Constitution, and that he is today a mixture of Maduro dressed as Cantinflas who goes from an illegitimate government to an illegal government makes us have the absolute conviction that we are not facing an investiture. “We are facing the beginning of a blow to the Constitution and the nation.”

There has also been friction when Feijóo responded to Armengol when he asked him to finish his speech after half an hour of speaking. “I ask you for the same time that you gave to Óscar Puente during my investiture,” he requested in reference to the 40 minutes of reply that the socialist deputy had. “I set the times,” the president of Congress responded.