Does the PP support the consolidation of a Palestinian State? “The statements of his majesty the King are impeccable and are shared by the vast majority of Spanish society.” Miguel Tellado, spokesperson for the PP in the Congress of Deputies, stated this emphatically during an interview in La Sexta.

And what had Felipe VI said? On Thursday, the monarch called for the release of all the hostages, called for respect for international law and international humanitarian law and added that without a political solution, which “passes through the establishment of the Palestinian State alongside Israel, it will not be possible to stop this cycle of violence or prevent it from happening again.

It happens that Alberto Núñez Feijóo had described it as an “occurrence” that Pedro Sánchez raised the sole possibility of unilateral recognition of the Palestinian State. On a visit to Israel in November, the President of the Spanish Government opened the door to recognizing Palestine as a state if the other European leaders did not promote common recognition.

“It was an idea, a unilateral act by Mr. Sánchez, and it would be good for him to consult with his European colleagues if they agree, I’ll tell them no,” Feijóo said then, for whom this idea was “a lack of respect for a country that has been attacked.” That said, he demanded from the socialist leader that he “does not create a diplomatic conflict in the context of a war conflict.”

It is worth remembering that in 2014 the PP clearly supported the two-state solution, voting in favor of a PSOE proposal, as the deputy secretary general Esteban González Pons recalled in November: “There is a resolution of the Congress of Deputies from the time of the Government of the Popular Party in favor of the recognition of the Palestinian State and the two-State solution voted unanimously”.

Furthermore, the electoral program of the Popular Party for the general elections of July 2023 was very clear in this regard, in measure 329 (page 100): “We must work to resolve conflicts, especially the Israeli-Palestinian one, through two-state solution.”

On the other hand, Tellado has assured that “Sánchez must reconsider” and not “give” Junts the delegation of immigration powers. “Not everything is worth staying in the Government. We are going to fight back with all the resources. It is a mistake,” he said, “and in no way reassures us” that the transfers from the PSOE to Carles Puigdemont’s party are minimized.

In his opinion, these perks show that “a fugitive from Justice is the one in charge in Spain. Sánchez is a delegate of the Government.”

Finally, regarding the 5% increase in the minimum wage, the popular spokesperson has assured that “it has a lot to do with the communication needs of the Government and Vice President Yolanda Díaz.” “Bad news that is not by consensus between unions and employers, very bad news,” he concluded.