The PP considers that the “photo of indignity” of Pedro Sánchez in his meeting with the EH Bildu spokespersons in Congress and the Senate “will haunt him all his life, whether he gets the investiture or not, whether he is in Spain or not, pursue his political career or not. According to the general coordinator of the party, Elías Bendodo, the socialist leader is “following the dictate” and “swallowing the entire script” of a formation that “has not condemned the attacks” and that on the lists of the regional and municipal elections of the May 28 included “more than 40 terrorists, some with blood crimes.”

“Bildu has managed to bring Pedro Sánchez to his knees, and it is not to bring Pedro Sánchez to his knees, it is to bring the President of the Government of Spain to his knees, it is to bring our country to its knees. And the President of the Government has allowed this with to remain seated in La Moncloa despite having lost the elections,” the number three of the Popular Party stressed this Sunday at an event in the Malaga town of Antequera.

At the Genoa headquarters they consider that “it is not a coincidence” that the candidate for re-election held that meeting with the representatives of Arnaldo Otegi’s party in the middle of the Pilar Bridge because he wanted that image with “the heirs of ETA” to be saw “the smallest number of Spaniards.” In this sense, they warn that “this is not the first time” that socialists resort to this “maneuver” when “decisions are going to be made that are difficult to explain, difficult to accept and very complicated to swallow.”

“Sánchez forced the first vote in the Congress of Deputies to eliminate the crime of sedition to take place after midnight, so that no one would be waiting. The second vote on sedition was on the same day at the same time as Spain They were playing the World Cup against Japan, so that people could be busy with other things. The Senate expressly approved the sedition on December 22, coinciding with the Christmas lottery draw. And now the photo of the shame of Friday the 13th “said Bendodo.

To which he added: “Does Sánchez believe that we Spaniards are stupid and that we do not know about his misdeeds? Because trying to break the State at the hands of those who have traditionally wanted to break the State is an affront to 45 years of decency.” democracy in our country. What has changed so that the Sánchez of the images who said ‘I will never agree or sit down with Bildu’ now kneels before them? Well, there is a risk of continuing to be the president of the Government even if he has lost the elections.”

The general coordinator of the PP has once again requested an electoral repetition on January 14 with the argument that the general secretary of the PSOE has “deceived” his own voters and the population as a whole because “amnesty was not even included in his program “, nor the pact with the heirs of ETA, nor the referendum, nor the pardons to the socialist leadership for the theft of 700 million euros from the ERE in Andalusia.” “Let the Spaniards speak again with all the cards on the table”, he has claimed, since the current scenario is considered “a fraud”.

Furthermore, Bendodo has pointed out that he hopes that Sánchez “does not have the temptation to use the president of Congress”, Francina Armengol, in his “delaying strategy” to tie up the negotiations with the parties on which his re-election depends and that “he does not have the temptation to use the Constitutional Court, in which he has placed prominent members of his cabinet, in his strategy to justify the amnesty”, one of the demands of the pro-independence groups in exchange for their support. “We know him and he may be tempted to commit these two atrocities,” he said.

Regarding the conversations of the presidential candidate with the parliamentary groups except Vox, the number three of the PP has ironically stated that he is “leading the waning investiture, because he began to talk about a progressive left-wing majority in Congress, which was at 150 and so much support”, the union of those of the PSOE and those of Sumar – who has not yet reached an agreement with his partner to reissue the coalition -, “and today he has his 121”. “Now it seems that he adds the [six] of Bildu, he adds less and less support,” he concluded.