The Ministry of Equality is once again a focus of conflict within the coalition Government. On this occasion it was due to the recent election of Isabel García as the new director of the Women’s Institute. Sumar, a minority partner of the Executive, has called her appointment “shameful” and has demanded her dismissal due to her critical positions on trans laws.

“The Women’s Institute cannot be directed by someone who supports the conspiracy to erase women and criticizes the ‘queer dictatorship,'” said Elizabeth Duval, who serves as spokesperson for Sumar on Equality issues and is also part of of your address.

García was appointed director of the Women’s Institute yesterday by the Council of Ministers at the proposal of the head of Equality, Ana Redondo. Barely 24 hours later, Sumar claims that her appointment is “shameful” and that she “sends a regrettable message.” Therefore, she is asking for her removal from office after the dissemination of old messages on Twitter in which she attacked queer postulates and theories, which are what inspire gender self-determination laws and trans laws.

In these messages, García wrote against “queer delirium” or “queer bullshit.” “Queer theory advances relentlessly with the sole objective of perpetrating heteropatriarchy and erasing women from politics,” she posted in 2019 on the social network now called X.

More recently, in December 2022, in the midst of the debate on the processing of the Trans Law in Congress, he maintained the following: ” Podemos came to politics with the firm conviction of dividing the feminist movement and the LGTBI collective. It has achieved this in record time with the complicity of those who, from other acronyms, have bought their queer postulates. Or the fight continues [sic.]…

The request for a cessation has also come from the main trans groups. The Trans Platform Federation and Euforia Trans-Allied Families have accused García of having maintained “openly transphobic and anti-trans rights speeches” during the processing of the law, Efe reports.

“We ask for coherence from a Government that calls itself progressive and that cannot put at the head of any institution people who have stood out for their transphobic and anti-trans rights statements,” underlined the president of the Trans Platform, Mar Cambrollé.

In this sense, Cambrollé has demanded that the Minister of Equality “revoke” her appointment as director of the Women’s Institute due to her positions against Trans rights and contrary to European standards, such as the recognition of gender self-determination. “We cannot fight the extreme right, nor the involution that Ayuso is already carrying out, from their same positions,” he concluded on the social network X.

For her part, the president of Euforia Familias Trans-Aliadas, Natalia Aventín, has indicated that “it is disappointing that someone who has been extremely aggressive with the mothers who represent the families of trans people is named as a representative of the Women’s Institute.” .