I turn on the way to the inauguration. Vox has issued a statement this Sunday in which it has implicitly shown its predisposition not to demand to be part of a future government led by the PP if that allows avoiding the reissue of a new Executive of Pedro Sánchez supported by the pro-independence groups. Thus, it would endorse Alberto Núñez Feijóo towards Moncloa and would approve his appointment as president, without red lines.

In this way, the party led by Santiago Abascal tries to make it easier for the popular to have the option of obtaining other support, such as the Canary Islands Coalition and PNV, which could give it the majority it needs in the Congress of Deputies. The Basque nationalists had rejected any option in which the formation located furthest to the right of the ideological spectrum entered the equation, but this maneuver represents a new attempt to open that window.

For his part, Feijóo has referred to Vox’s change of position as “an advance” in the direction of “acknowledging the victory” of the winner of the general elections and “in the field of constitutionalism.” “The proposal that I make is for a lone government of the PP based on a broad and constitutional agreement,” stressed the president of the popular in statements to the press during his attendance at the Albariño Fair in Cambados (Pontevedra).

In its statement, Vox warns of the “danger” that the formation of a government supported by “the coup leader and fugitive from Justice” Carles Puigdemont would entail for Spain and the possibility that Sánchez “accepts a referendum on self-determination and other cessions that dynamit the constitutional order”. “We will not be anyone’s excuse for not endorsing a government that respects the foundations of the Constitution (…). Spain cannot be in the hands of its enemies,” they warn.

For this reason, those of Abascal pledge that their 33 deputies would support “a constitutional majority” in Congress that “avoid such threats” and that it be “an alternative that maintains respect for the nation and the recovery of the neutrality of the institutions “: “We insist on this position, which we consider prudent and sensible, despite those who insist on demonizing and blaming Vox, demonizing and blaming more than three million Spaniards who have the right to political representation.”

“Already in the last legislature, Sánchez pardoned the coup leaders convicted by the Supreme Court for the crimes of sedition and embezzlement and later reformed the Penal Code to eliminate sedition and reduce embezzlement. All this as a toll on ERC, one of its partners during the legislature”, they expose in the party with soothes in the Bambú street of Madrid.

Now, they add, the PSOE also needs “the active support of Junts and Bildu” and they consider that “the mere initiation of negotiations with those forces constitutes a serious threat to the foundations of the constitutional order.” To which they add: “The possibility that Sánchez would even grant a referendum on self-determination, as the seditious are demanding, would mean a coup promoted by the Government itself that would probably lead to a breakdown of coexistence and social peace “.

While Sánchez continues his vacation in Morocco, Feijóo has insisted this Sunday that “this is not the time for the main politicians of our country to be missing” and has made a brief appearance from Cambados to establish his position and propose a government “alone ” of the PP result of a “broad and constitutional agreement”. In addition, he has echoed the “interest and concern” of the majority of Spaniards in the face of the “enormous uncertainty” situation that Spain is experiencing and, in a veiled allusion to the absence of the acting President of the Government, he has indicated that it is the time to “give an opinion and establish a position”.

That of the popular is already known: they will try to investiture Feijóo as the candidate with the most votes on 23J and this Sunday the party leader wanted to delve into the fact that his proposal “does not go against anyone, on the contrary”, he will try to “unite harmony , Consensus and Future”. He promises to do it “with humility, with the general interests as the bedside book and with respect to the rest of the political parties.” And, in this sense, he has specified that he contemplates “three different scenarios”.

The first would be “the blockade” and a new electoral repetition like those of 2016 and November 2019. The second, the re-election of Sánchez “in exchange for weakening the State, diminishing general interests and breaking the principle of equality of the citizens”. And the third, this “broad and constitutional agreement” on which he will continue to work in the coming weeks.

Feijóo insists that this agreement is “essential” to “provide certainty in this moment of uncertainty”, “bet on governability and centrality” and promote the necessary reforms to preside over the Council of the European Union and “that Spain once again be a predictable country from an international point of view”. In his appearance, which even a group of citizens has interrupted with their applause, he has defended this lone government of the PP because “one party is necessary for a government and not 24 parties ruling in Spain.”

Those 24 parties are an allusion to the PSOE, “the 18 parties that make up Sumar” and the five “sovereignty, pro-independence or nationalist, right-wing or left-wing” parties, formations “with different ideologies” and “even contradictory political interests”, something that Feijóo sees “the opposite of governability”.

Feijóo’s appearance has been preceded by a bath of hugs and words of encouragement from the residents of Cambados and political officials from the Xunta de Galicia, headed by his successor and current president, Alfonso Rueda. After speaking, he has put on the cape of the Serenísimo Albariño Chapter, of which he is chancellor, and has toured the town with continuous stops to pose for photos and chat with the citizens.

In addition, Núñez Feijóo has lamented that “even today the Socialist Party has not congratulated the Popular Party or its candidate for having won the elections”, which shows that “it has not accepted the victory of the Popular Party at the polls”. And, in addition, he “has said not to meet and start talking about what matters to the Spanish, which is governability.”

He has also been very critical of the fact that “unfortunately” this week the PSOE has broken a preliminary agreement for the governance of Ceuta, an autonomous city of which he has recalled that “its sovereignty is claimed by Morocco, the country where Mr. Sánchez is vacationing” .

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