Zaragoza has added 9,423 new inhabitants in the last year and already has a total of 694,109 as of January 1, 2023.

According to the municipal register, the population of the city of Zaragoza has increased by 1.36% compared to that of 2022, which places it as the fourth most populous city in Spain, above Seville, which on January 1, 2023 accounted for 693,229 residents in the register.

It must be qualified that the population figure is strictly limited to the municipal term of Seville, due to the fact that its metropolitan area is larger than the city of Zaragoza.

These data are collected in the Cifras 2023 magazine, published by the Presidency, Finance and Interior area of ​​the Zaragoza City Council, through the Organization and General Services Office.

The new figures reflect that, of the total population, 52% are women with an average age of 47 years and the rest, men with an average age of 44.

The increase of 1.37%, which is explained, to a large extent, by the sharp increase in the foreign population, of 13%, which now represents 14% of the total, 1% more than the previous year, which translates in 97,879 residents.

Its importance is essential to understand the positive evolution of the census, especially taking into account that the number of inhabitants born in Spain has fallen by 1,831, 0.31% less.

86% of the population registered in Zaragoza is Spanish, 596,230 people, and the remaining 14%, 97,879 inhabitants, corresponds to the foreign population, the previous year it amounted to 86,625.

Most of them come from Romania (23,211 residents), a country followed by Nicaragua (9,827 people), Colombia, which this year climbs two positions (with 7,895), Morocco (7,010) and China (with a population of 5,472).

The figures reflect an increase of almost 47% of the Ukrainian population, since, in 2022, Zaragoza had 1,075 Ukrainian inhabitants and in 2023 it had 2,021. Undoubtedly, the war against Russia has influenced this.

The Cifras de Zaragoza magazine has been published since 2014 and it analyzes the population data, as of January 1, obtained from the Municipal Register of Inhabitants of the city.

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