The Portuguese Government is going to reopen the fire protection towers, given the wave of incidents that have been in these days of October, which have settled with a dead person and half a dozen firefighters injured for consideration.

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Europe burns, but Portugal more

Forest laws without passing the fires do not cater to the program tion. The authorities have set up a maximum fire alert schedule from 1 July to 1 October, however, in June, the most tragic fire in the country’s history occurred in Pedrógrão Grande, with 62 dead, and now in October the Flames have medium or to the same places in the center of the country, in Pampilhosa da Serra and Arganil.
In the first week of October there have been more than 200 fires in the country, although the most serious has been the Pampilhosa that has been controlled this Tuesday, after four days of firefighters ‘ struggle. These fires occur when there is no longer a surveillance service in the forest towers. In the face of weather forecasts that do not announce rain and temperatures exceeding 30 degrees, the Ministry of the Environment has decided to reopen the vigilance of the towers, at least in 72 of the 231 that exist in the country.
Until the month of August, they had burned in the country 213,000 hectares, the largest figure in ten years, more than double the average. When they have to count the fires of these last two months, the political class begins to ask why in neighboring areas, like Galicia, have managed to dominate the sinister in recent years, and in Portugal not.