In the process the murder of the Kassel government President Walter Lübcke has to discharge the higher regional court of Frankfurt, the former defender of the main accused. The Chairman of the protection of the state Senate, Thomas sagebiel announced, on Tuesday morning. The disruption of the relationship of Trust between the Serious and the lawyer, Frank Hannig was understandable, the court said. The Dresden lawyer, Frank Hannig belongs no longer to the defenders of Stephan e., where the Federal government accuses the German bar, Walter Lübcke on the night of 2. To June 2019 on the terrace murdered.

Marlene Grunert

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

Hannig had taken care of on Monday with several requests for riot, the goods appear to have been neither Stephan E. even with the second defender, Mustafa Kaplan, agreed.The Dresden Prosecutor had withdrawn, among other things, on a supposedly crooked shops Walter Lübckes, which could be a sign in his eyes to a “completely different motive ation”, as previously thought. Hannig had requested the court to investigate in this connection a burglary that took place at the end of July 2019 the government Presidium in Kassel. It’ll give the media reports that there files stolen, the information on the “Connections” Lübckes be contained to “wind power business” to his sons. Both the presiding judge and the representatives of the office of the attorney General, contrary to the request on Monday with strong words. Not the “hint of a hint” give it to the Hannig placed on the motives that had Sagebiel said. The chief Prosecutor Dieter Kilmer said it was a “Poking in the fog”.

criticism of Lübckes commitment to wind power, there were always, since he had taken office as the President of the government. In the case of criticism it remained, however, have corroborated the conjecture never. Lübcke had early on the Potential of renewable energies in rural areas. Before he was President of the government, he had been in this field as an entrepreneur. When he took up the new office, he handed over his company to his two sons. The FDP defendant then too much proximity and called on the government Bureau to evaluate applications for appropriate projects in a neutral way. Also environmentalists languages in the ZDF magazine “Frontal” of “courtesy report”, which would be paid for by the industry, to be able to wind turbines in protected areas of the building. Lübcke fought back against the allegations and claimed that the areas of the regional Assembly, had not been determined. For the murder of the process, the processes are irrelevant.