“Not at our expense.” This is the Central concern of the employees of the Covid-19-pandemic particularly affected the air transport industry that have gathered on Friday at a number of airports in Germany, also the biggest in Frankfurt. Had called the trade Union Verdi. In Frankfurt, around 300 industry came together in the terminal 1 in front of the large display panel according to police sources, employees from the airport’s operator, Fraport, Lufthansa, the service provider Wisag and a number of other companies. They all want to prevent that the companies are trying to cope with the crisis, short-hand with a radical reduction.

Jochen Remmert

airport editor and correspondent of the Rhine-Main-Süd.

F. A. Z.

In view of the on Thursday at an extraordinary General meeting of Lufthansa’s pending decision on the Nine-billion-Euro aid package from the Federal government’s appeal to the trade unionists to the shareholders of the Lufthansa group, to participate in the vote, and to vote for the rescue package. In order for a threatened attempt of billionaire and Lufthansa would at the same time-major shareholder Heinz Hermann Thiele hopeless, to prevent the entry of the state. Lufthansa would not accept the offer of Salvation from the Federal government, would be a protective shield proceedings under the insolvency law likely to be, as it is currently running the holiday airline Condor by.

While the Board of management chief Carsten Spohr would have to accept a Trustee that oversees it. But it would allow the group to detach itself from contractual commitments, for example from collective agreements. And that would, in the opinion of Uwe Schramm, trade Union Secretary of Verdi at Frankfurt airport, from the employees ‘ point of view, a nightmare: “so Far, was at Lufthansa, after 15 years of operation, membership is non-redeemable. This and many other safeguards would not apply. Collective agreements would no longer be valid,” said Schramm on Friday, and added: “Look at what makes the Condor CEO Ralf Teckentrup. There is a protective shield proceedings. And he wants to throw in the next few weeks, up to 1000 people out of here.“ If Lufthansa would go this way as well, expected Schramm removal of a particularly drastic set.

a little less concern in the case of Fraport

This is a concern, the pilots ‘ Union Cockpit and the cabin Union Ufo drives. The Cockpit appealed on Friday to the shareholders of Lufthansa, to get up to this Saturday 24 p.m. for the annual General meeting of Lufthansa register and on the 25. June in the virtual shareholder meeting vote for the adoption of the rescue package. Lufthansa could only find with the safety of a rescue package to its former strength and stability back. The flight attendants ‘ Union Ufo said the same thing.

A massive staff reduction at Lufthansa with the rescue package Alone, 1,400 positions in the Frankfurt group head office are eliminated, about 500 jobs at the Frankfurt-based freight subsidiary Lufthansa Cargo. The announced reduction in the company’s fleet of 763 700 aircraft will also meet many of the operation directly to the flight attributable to Make. The computer is to be assumed according to the company, of approximately 4700 jobs, including 600 pilots, 2600 for cabin staff and 1500 jobs in the ground service. How many would go to the home base in Frankfurt lost, is not to quantify exactly. Sure is, that in Frankfurt, a substantial part of the 22,000 in the Set would be lost.