Negotiation hurried up to the end.
Another year, long night.
And of startles, of living negotiations, who have been moving all the time.
This reflects it that while the Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez, said in a live television interview that there was no agreement, PSOE and united we can sealed this morning a covenant in the Law of Housing that means unlocking budgets.
The agreed allowing the autonomous communities to bind the large owners by law – more than 10 homes – to lower the rent in the tensioned areas, while providing the freezing of prices for the case of small owners–10 homes-

From a first hour it has been an intense day within the coalition.
Succession of meetings.
Included one of Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz before the celebration of the Council of Ministers.
The leaders of the two Government partners have intervened to finish unplus the Law of Housing and, therefore, the Agreement for budgets.
As already happening at the stage of Pablo Iglesias, the involvement of it occurs when everything is closed and there are only a few enquistated points to clear the covenant.

The “distances” that had at last night on Monday have been limited over the hours, so that they have forced assignments so as not to delay budgets, because the situation was stressing the coalition: Socialists censored
the “ultimatums” of their partners;
While united we can accused his colleagues of wanting to “pass the roller” without fulfilling the signed.

The agreement, confirmed by this newspaper both by the Moncloa and by the United States, we can arrive after days of tensions and friction around the Housing Law and the regulation of rentals.
The PSOE had pressed in recent days to bring public accounts on Tuesday to the Council of Ministers.
United We can rejected it before the socialist refusal to regulate the rents, as Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias had agreed a year ago.
Now, as then, white smoke on the horn.

Despite having reached an agreement, public accounts, however, will not be approved in the Council of Ministers of this Tuesday, inform Daniel Viaña.
It will be in the coming days, but not on Tuesday that, at the national festive, the Day of Hispanicity, the Cabinet of Ministers is not gathered.
The pretension of Pedro Sánchez, as this newspaper has reported, is to reach the PSOE Congress, which is celebrated from October 15 to 17, with the budgets already approved.
An option on the table is to celebrate an extraordinary Council of Ministers.

In recent hours, negotiations intensified.
The Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolaños, took on the order of Sánchez the reins of the negotiation.
This Monday the negotiation was permanent with the representatives of the United States, we can as the Minister Ione Belarra.

In recent contacts, the purple sector of the government put on the table the proposal to distinguish between small owners -ings of 10 homes- and large owners -more of 10 homes-, so that they agree to regulate the rent in the cases of the
Large owners, for example in the case of vulture funds.

This measure to regulate the rent in the case of the Vulture Funds was rejected at first by the socialist part of the Executive, but it has been one of the meeting points.
The agreement contemplates the price regulation to lower the rentals based on the reference index for all contracts in the tensioned market zones and the withdrawal of tax incentives.

As for the small owners -ome of 10 homes-, the agreement provides for the freezing of prices, as well as tax incentives to lower the price.

The new Housing Law also contemplates that the obligation to reserve 30% of all promotions for protected housing (of this 30%, half for social rent) and an empty housing tax, through the IBI surcharge of up
150%, which may apply the City Councils.

The measure has caused euphoria in we can, despite the fact that it does not cover the entire market as I contemplated what signed a year ago.
“For the first time in history there will be a housing law that goes down the rental prices. A milestone that really improves the lives of people and who shows that, with political will, there is no lobby or vulture fund that can stop the progress
That our country needs, “the purple has pointed out.

Another one of the frictions that has been during the negotiation has been the issue of taxation.
United Can we press to set 15% societies tax, as promoted by G-20, the OECD and US president.
A socialist sector appealed to wait for the report entrusted to experts on taxation – predicted for early 2022- or that Europe adopted a common type for this tax.

However, this threshold was not a great stumbling, because for example, from Hacienda it was always the door open to it.
In United Can we explained that the legislature reaches its equator, the tax reform is in the government pact and “you have to put the first stone yes or yes.”

Both PSOE and united we can, we were assumed to raise money to be able to maintain and expand the social measures contemplated in the so-called “Social Shield”.
That is, collect on taxes to shield those aids.
And they believe that the road, until the economic recovery is agreed in the pockets of the citizens, is that they pay more those who most have.