Some of these are rivulets, others lead to formidable amounts of water. Regardless of their size at the beginning of this year have been incorporated in the state of Hesse to 100 streams in the country program “Wild rivers”. The objective is to rehabilitate the streams, writes the Hessian Ministry of the environment. In the extreme case this would mean to free streams from a concrete bed in which you have been forced in the past century. Not quite as bad as it is to Ursel brook, Eschbach and song Bach is no longer. Nevertheless, the three streams that flow from the Taunus coming into the city are to benefit, as the only in Frankfurt from the promotion. Local representative to find the good. But at the same time ask how far the support to be rich. The local Advisory committees, the parts of the city through the Ursel brook and Eschbach flow, penetrate, and to improve the water quality. After all, in recent years, both streams have been designed closer to nature. 18,5 kilometers of the Ursel brook is omitted, with 4.2 km to the Frankfurt city area. From the high mark coming, it is flowing in Niederursel in the city, and ends in Heddernheim, the Nidda. The sections in the course of the Ried meadow, as well as between the cancer mill and high mill to be close to nature have been prepared, praises the Council. At the Eschersheimer defense of the Nidda river, in order to offer the fish rise on the coastal Ursel brook. The basic problem is the “insufficient water quality but”.

Bernd Günther

a Freelance writer based in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

improvements to the local representative at the headwaters of the Ursel Bach to the North of the city limits are of the view that necessary: There, the stream gets purified water from the sewage treatment plant of white churches, but, as with many wastewater treatment plants the fourth cleaning missing there level. You could stalls the sewage of drug residues, residues of plant protection products, contamination with micro-particles, but also of dangerous germs free.

No cleaning of the water

The theme is also the local representative of Nieder-Eschbach is on. There, the Eschbach flows five kilometers from the city limits to West, where it also flows into the Nidda. After a near-natural redesign of the brook meanders run. The shores are lined with trees, and there is Still and shallow water zones. The picture is deceptive, however: Even if the water looks clear, the Eschbach as charged. Multi-resistant proven duck pathogens were. Local representative to demand so vehemently to the wastewater treatment plant Bad Homburg, which releases water to the North of Nieder-Eschbach in the Creek, with a fourth purification step to reduce the microbial load. The city has so far hired only money for planning in the budget.

the hope of The local representative, that the program “Wild streams” could be further incentives, seems to be in vain: The focus is on structural changes such as the creation of near-natural waters and the shore forms, provides project Manager Patrick Steinmetz of the Hessian society (DLG) clearly. The Board is asked to plan the expected Hesse to approximately 3000 individual projects to the streams and to organize. For the municipalities this was an important administrative assistance, says Steinmetz. If possible by 2027, the Restoration measures should be implemented. Individual projects could be funded in the amount of 75 to 95 percent. The expensive Expansion of wastewater treatment plants was not provided for in the program. The Ministry for the environment confirms this is called but it is a major concern. So going to be promoted in the framework of the Hessian trace substance strategy, the better treatment of the wastewater. In the context of the Hessian Rieds around selected municipal be equipped sewage treatment plants, with a fourth purification stage, in order to eliminate trace substances.

Every single step is important

The FEDERAL government of Hesse provides for the efforts to the quality of the surface waters is critical, but also understanding. In the search for the sources of multi-resistant pathogens are not sewage treatment plants, but also consider hospitals, and agriculture, says conservation officer Thomas Norgall. He laments “the lack of sentencing for the improvement of water quality”. This was a complex project, where each individual step count: the trace substance strategy in the country, as well as the promotion for “Wild rivers”. If the steps have gone, this is also a success, especially since the Expansion of sewage treatment plants takes years.

the local representative sounds this is still not consistent. In the case of Eschbach it would mean: The Bach is designed close to nature, the water, however, remains questionable. The Council has demanded, therefore, to warn on the shore in front of the false Creek idyll.