The rains and storms have this Friday at risk at fourteen provinces, fundamentally from the peninsular center on a day with a predominance of cloudy skies, according to the State Meteorology Agency (AEMET).

The chubascos and storms can be locally strong and accumulate large quantities in 12 hours in central Andalusia, west of Extremadura, central system, Madrid, Northern Castilla-La Mancha and Navarra.
Ávila, Segovia, Soria, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalaja, Toledo, Badajoz, Cáceres, Madrid, Navarra will be at risk for rains and storms.
In Galicia, the notices will affect Lugo and A Coruña for storms and Valencia for rain.

On the contrary, at the southwest extremes, southeast and northeast of the peninsula, as well as in the East Bay, the cloud intervals will predominate and the probability of rainfall will be less.
Cloudy intervals without precipitation in the Balearic Islands.
In the Canary Islands, cloudy intervals with probability of chubascos isolated on the most relief islands, and little cloudy in the Oriental Islands.

The diurnal temperatures will go on ascent in the Cantabrian area, East third and the southwest extreme of the peninsula, as well as in Balearic Islands, and in descent in the rest of the peninsular territory.
With few changes in the Canary Islands.
The nocturnas will go on a rise in a large part of the peninsula.

There will be predominance of this component winds in most of the country, except in the southwest peninsular quadrant and the narrow, where they will be variable, predominating the southwest.
They can blow with strong intervals on the northwest coast of Galicia and in the south of the Balearic Islands.